Chapter 2

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Pha's pov:

Minutes felt like eternities.

I was biting my nails and tapping my foot anxiously.

Finally after like two hours dad came out of the room.

I immediately shot up and walked to him.

"He's been torn pretty badly. He needed 12 stitches. He won't be able to move around properly for the next month. And he has hickeys, scratches and bite marks all over him." He said.

New sets of tears made their way down my face. I bit my lips.

"What exactly happened?" He looked at me worriedly.

"I don't know. He called me when i was at my lunch break crying, apologising and begging me not to leave him. So i rushed to his dorm. When i got there, i found him sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with a cutter in his hand. Thank god i made it there before he could do anything." I explained.

"He's going to need a lot of therapy to return back to his normal life. You should be prepared." He looked at me grimly.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Patients like him usually start panicking at the mere touch of others. They will have constant night terrors. He might not let you near him even if he recognises you. His body will reject every touch." He explained.

I covered my mouth with my palm and clenched my eyes close tightly.

"We need to report this. This a case of rape. And if you had been any slower this would have been a case of murder." I could tell he was starting to get angry.

"He must have a reason why he doesn't want anyone else to know about this. Can we wait until he wakes up?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Can i see him?"

"Yeah. But make sure you don't make too much noise. He needs a lot of rest." He said.

I nodded.

I slowly walked into the room.

The nurses were checking on him making sure everything was normal. I couldn't see him clearly since they were standing infront of him.

"Guys. Come out. Give these two sometime alone." Dad called them.

They looked at me with sad expressions.

"Be strong. He's going to to need a lot of support to get through this." One of them said on their way out.

I nodded.

They closed the door behind them.

I looked at Forth who was lying on the bed hooked to multiple machines which were monitoring all his vitals. There was a nasal cannula in his nose.

I slowly walked towards the bed and sat down on the floor next to it.

I gently took his hand making sure to avoid all the wires.

His usually tan skin was now a ghostly pale. His lips were dry and cracked.

"Baby.... I love you so much. I promise I'm not going to leave you. I'm staying right here by your side. You're not alone. We'll get through this together. So please wake up. I can't bear to see you like this." I pressed a small kiss on the back of his hand.

I put my head on the bed and closed my eyes. I didn't let go of his hand.

The adrenaline had subsided so now i felt completely exhausted.

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