Chapter 6

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Pha's pov:

He passed out after crying for two hours straight.

Tears were streaming down my face.

I never saw him break down and cry like that.

I can't even begin to imagine the pain he must be going through right now.

Not only was he raped but the people behind it were his own parents. The ones he trusted the most.

I feel so helpless right now.

I can't do anything to sooth his pain.

I wish i could take all of it and put it on myself.

I just want him to be happy again. I can't bear seeing him in this state.

I slowly lifted him up and laid him down on the bed properly. I pulled the duvet to cover him up until his chest.

I dampened a small towel with lukewarm water and gently wiped his face with it.

Just as i had finished wiping his face, the door opened and Lam, Park, Beam, Kit, Ming and Yo came in.

Yo looked like he cried his heart out.

The others didn't look as bad but they had also been obviously crying.

I looked at Forth. He was breathing steadily.

"Pha." Beam came and stood close to me.

I looked up at him.

"I know you want to cry as well. Let it out. Don't hold it in. It's only going to hurt more." He said.

Tears started streaming down my face again.

I had to bite my lips to stop the sobs that threatened to escape.

Beam pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tightly.

I clutched onto his shirt tightly and and cried my eyes out.

It was the first time i cried like that infront of anyone.
Beam slowly let go of me after i calmed down.

I wiped my face with the back of my hands.

"You should also rest. We'll be in the living room." He said softly.

I nodded.

They left the room.

I crawled onto the bed and laid down facing him.

I wrapped my arm around his waist protectively and closed my eyes.

I fell into a deep slumber not too long after.
Beam's pov:

We all sat silently in the living room. Still not over what we had just heard.

"I've been bestfriends with him since middle school. I've never seen him break down and cry like that." Lam spoke up after a while.

Park nodded in agreement.

"How could they do something like that? He's their son. Don't they have a heart?" Yo said shakily.

Ming wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer.

"I think we should come over more often. Pha is also getting affected. He can't support him on his own." I looked at them.

They all nodded in agreement.

"I wish i could just beat the shit out of those bastards." Ming growled.

"Didn't uncle say they managed to escape?" Kit spoke up.

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