Chapter 1

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I have literally 3 different versions of this story in my drafts.
This one was the one that developed the most out of all of them.
This is a short story of 7 chapters.
I just need to write the ending part of the last chapter then I'll post that one.
For now, here are the remaining 6.

Pha's pov:

I was at my lunch break with Beam and Kit when my phone suddenly rang.

A wide smile appeared on my face when i saw who the call was from.

I looked up when i heard snickers. Beam and Kit were smirking knowingly at me.

I rolled my eyes and took the call.

"Hey baby. Are you back in your dorm?" I asked.

There was silence at the other end.

I frowned.

I looked at the screen of my phone. The call was still connected.

"Forth? Are you there?"

The next thing i heard made my heart drop.

Broken sobs and whimpers.

"Forth? Baby? Are you crying? What's wrong?" I was growing increasingly worried.

Beam and Kit were also looking at me worriedly.

"I-I'm so-rry......I'm so s-sorry...." I heard him say between sobs.

"Why are you apologising? You're worrying me love." I was at the edge of my seat with worry.

"P-please....d-don't le-leave....m-me...."I heard him mumble. It sounded like he was begging.

"What...." I was getting confused.

"Where are you?" I got up and gathered my things.

"M-my dorm..."

"Wait for me. I'm coming there." I said.

I heard him hum.

I hung up.

"What happened?" Kit asked.

"I don't know. I'm going to his dorm." I said.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Beam asked.

"No. I'll call you if something happens. Cover for me for the rest of the classes ok?"

They nodded.

I rushed to my car and drove to Forth's dorm as fast as i could.

What happened to you Forth?
Forth's pov:

I was sitting on the floor in the middle of my room.

The whole room was a complete mess. Things were thrown everywhere.

Tears were streaming down my face.

The last 12 hours were a blur. Everything happened so fast.

My whole life was turned upside down. And the people behind it were my own family.

I looked down at myself.

My shirt was a mess. Only three buttons were done. And those three were mismatched.

I could see multiple hickeys and scratch marks on my exposed skin. My wrists were purple from the ropes digging into them. I knew my neck was no different. The finger marks would be there.

I looked around the room.

My eyes landed on the cutter which was on the floor not too far from where i was sitting.

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