the end, bad ending[BONUS]

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This is just the same story with a different ending, so you can skip the entire thing and get to the end if you want

Tigry stood there unable to move, "get off me-" beatrice said as she was cut off by billy starting to strangle her, mable returned with the entire T.S.P, willow shot billy in the eye making him let go of beatrice as he covered his face with his hands growling aggressively. "Get down beast" willow said approaching billy, beatrice got up and ran to the others as billy continued to growl "tio, I know you're looking at me through his eyes, let him go" willow said pointing her gun to billy's forehead not going to hesitate to shoot him and end it all, billy spoke "you dumb wolf, you think telling me what to do will free this bull, you know nothing willow" he said with his voice and a strong british villain like accent undertone. "Willow, let me talk to him" tigry said standing next to willow "ok, but I'm keeping a eye on you" willow said leaving tigry to talk to tio. "Take me instead, let him go and I'll let you take me" "do you think that I would except a trade, I never except trades" tio said standing up, tigry just wanted billy back and didn't want to see him like this anymore "well I'm off, taking this body with me, this bull is 1 of my infecteds now" he said before walking backwards into a portal. He was gone, but tigry knew he could get him back.

Many weeks later

"YES!" Willow yelled as she looked at a infected she tested the cure on, "it works" tigry said looking at the now not infected "where am I?" "You don't need to know" willow said cutting some rope she tied around the person "so run along" she said as the person got up and ran of the oil refinery. Willow walked to her desk and placed the cure "thankful only 1 drop can work but you aren't getting your paws on it, remember billy is gone tio has him now" willow said looking at tigry. Willow walked out grabbing tigry and locking the door "I've placed cameras in the vents, 1 step into my office without my permission I'll throw you out and feed you to the infected" willow said before walking off. Tigry knew there was nothing he could do because of willow beings over protective with the cure, but that's dumb only 1 drop and cure someone with how strong she made it. He didn't care if he got caught, he was going to save billy. He ran to his room and grabbed a large bag and placed everything he needed knowing he would get thrown out, he broke open 1 of the vents and broke every camera he saw before passing, he got into willow's office grabbed the cure, "I'm gonna be in so much trouble" he said before kicking the door down and running out of there. He ran out of the refinery and ran as far as he could never wanting to return to that place, now it was just him vs the world.


"Look it's been long enough, tell him to-" "are you f#cking stupid?" markus said to billy "he's never going to let you go and will continue to use you as a puppet, he uses all of us as puppets when he feels like it, non insolence members would never understand" "I know, I just don't wanna look like this anymore, plus I want to see tigry again that's all I want" markus looked at billy with a "wtf" look, "relationships are just, ugh, I hate 'em it's why I'm aro ace, well I'm aro ace because I feel little to no romantic or sexual love" "and I'm a raging homosexual, like for me, it's dick all day everyday" billy said trying to fight off a laugh, it didn't take long for his smile to fade. Markus placed his hand on billy's shoulder "I know it's hard, we become so aggressive when we see a non-infected it's annoying, but for you it's a nightmare", "I feel you but we can't do anything about it" "I know I know, I just wanna see him again, I would say you know but-" "I know, I wanna see my siblings again but I can't, I miss them but I can't do anything about what happened to me, let's just get ya back into the forest" markus said as he opened a portal, "you'll be able to teleport soon" markus said as billy entered the portal. It closed behind him and he ran looking for tigry knowing the risk, he didn't care and just wanted to see tigry again.

Back to tigry

He sat down by a tree, his legs started to hurt from all the walking. He placed the bag he was carrying next to him and sighed, "hello-" "GAH" tigry said as a young female voice spoke, "sorry" the voice said and tigry turned to face the person "MABLE, what are you doing here" "do you need to know?" "Yes" "I followed you, I miss billy, he was cool" mable said dangling off a tree. "Get down" tigry said grabbing mable and placing her down, he gave her a water bottle as he got up. They walked around trying to find billy, they saw him and hid behind a tree "mable keep quite ok?" "Ok" mable replied whispering. Billy growled looking around, tigry pulled the cure out of the bag ran to him wrapped his arm around his neck and pushed him to the ground holding him down "I'm trying to help you" tigry said popping the cap off the bottle and shoved the bottle into billy's mouth, he didn't care if any of the liquid went to waste he wanted to help his partner. Billy pushed him away and stated to cough and eventually passed out. Tigry grabbed billy and dragged him away while mable followed, the 2 sat down waiting to see what would happen


Mable woke up tigry "hmm? Yes mable" "look" she said pointing to billy, tigry got up and poked billy "why you there?" He said. He started to shake him, he noticed the black on him had gotten worse and eventually got up, tigry stood up ran off grabbing mable and went to hide behind a tree for safety. He saw billy open his eyes and start twitching like he was in pain, he saw as billy's body became more distorted releasing the "cure" made it worse, he wasted the cure and watched as billy became worse. He growled once the distortion stopped and faced the direction of the 2. He disappeared only to show I'll behind the 2, he growled as he grabbed tigry by the neck and lifted him into the air "my apologies tiger" he said with the same voice he had before, before he could say anything, billy snapped his neck. He dropped tigry and grabbed mable running off with her, tigry was somehow still alive but he's death was slow and painful "TIGRY HELP, TIGRY, DON'T LET HIM-" mable's voice was cut of as billy went into a portal leaving tigry to die, "I've failed you" tigry said in his mind as his vision became blurry, all hope was lost. Billy was gone for good, mable now stuck in a world of nothingness, and tigry left for dead.

Hello author here, first bonus *yipe*, tigry's dead ain't that fabulous, anyways more bonuses hopefully coming soon

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