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DD Osama , 3:14

DD Osama , 3:14

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I was talking to ddot about one of the girls in line. Ddot was already talking shit about the girl and we just got here no more then ten minutes ago but that's ddot for you. The door opened causing me to look that way to see who was entering. It was noti and a short curly head light-skin wit braces the typical package.

You just had to find the right one cause they'll do ya bogus. But she had a sweet genuine and happy look on her face which made me find her very attractive.

"She just caught me staring thats embarrassing as hell" I dragged my hands down my face. "Ight y'all come let's get ready" noti said finally stop talking to the girl. He started helping people line up.

And him and idris made sure the camera and stuff was all in order before starting his intro.

Noti  just finished his intro and now the girl me and ddot was talking about was going first. "Pass , mmm how old is you" she asked the darkskin boy "old enough shorty" I cringed at his words. She went down the line passing everybody then she got to ddot. "You got a girlfriend?" She asked ddot "sure do" he said to the camera "Ight I respect that ima pass" she then go to me.

"What you staring at" she said look back to see I was staring at the girl who came in with noti. "That's ya girl?" She asked "nah nah my bad" I zoned back in "mhm well you a little boy so ima passs" she laughed and I looked at her like she crazy.

"Been a pass" I said under my breath "wait wait what you say dd" noti instigating ass said. " I SAID SHE BEEN A PASS RS" I yelled at him she just looked me up and down with a mug. Honestly i didn't give one fuck she was ugly anyway then a girl around my age went she wasn't the girl from earlier but she was decent.

She passed the whole line expect for me. "How old are you" she asked smiling hard "old" I shrugged "yo dd you jacking that?" Noti asked me "Nah Ian really feelin ha" I said as noti grabbed my shoulder. "Damnnn" she said putting her hand on her heart.

Then it was the girl who caught my attention earlier turn. "Ima pass you just because you look old as shit" she said to the darkskin boy. "You cute ima smash" she said to the brownskin with braces. "Your a lil girlll come on you my baby cuzzz" noti wrapped his arm around the girls neck playing in her hair.

"Moveee you black ass nigga" she pushed him. So noti was her cousin ? Noted. "Uhm you is in between but yo braids make you look ugly so pass" she said to the boy with braids. "Well you said you got ah girl so ima pass" she said to ddot.

"Uhm you cute I like yo fit so ima smash" she said to me nodding and moving on to the last few which she did smash. And the rest of the female line went by pretty quickly

So now It's now my turn he had some bad ass females in line so I was doing my thing. "Mm pass" I said to the tall girl with blonde locs. Then there was k gunna.

"Mm ima pass" I said grinning "whaa you was just jacking this tho" she said doing a 360 "nahh ima pass" next to her was the girl I saw earlier. "What's ya name" I said smirking "Ivy yours?" She said smiling , she actually had a really good smile "dd, lemme get a 360" I said making her smile.

She grabbed my hand and spun around "damnn" I said out loud "aye chill that's my cousin" noti raised his eye brow at us. "Mhm yea whatever" she chuckled "so what you doin" noti put his arm around my shoulder. "I'm smashing that all day" I said to the camera.

Time skip again I'm lazyyyy


This might me ass bc I am not from New York I'm from CHICAGO so I'm doing my best😭. Also the chapters gonna be short bc It makes the whole story seem longer im teaching yall  see wattpad hack😋😭


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