Chapter 9:
When Selene awoke the next morning, she felt stiff, and uncomfortable. She went to stretch, and found her arms pinned to her sides.
She shifted, and realized she was on top of Adrian, who was sound asleep. She smiled. He had had a long night, fitfully tossing back and forth, and thrashing about. And saying the same thing over and over again.
Who was Dominic?
She reached up to touch a tender spot on her cheek, where he had accidently punched her in the night. She winced, and pulled her hand away from it. It was going to leave a bruise.
She knew he needed his rest, so she tried to get up, but to no avail.
His arms had her pinned tight.
She furrowed her brow, trying to think of a solution to her predicament. How was she going to wiggle her way out of this one?
That was it, she thought. Wiggling was the answer!
She licked her lips in concentration, and started to slither out of his arms.
It was working. She slid down his body, and was almost out of his embrace, when she heard him groan. She froze, and waited for him to return to sleep.
But when he did, he did in the most embarassingly way possible. He shifted so she was in his arms again. But the difference this time was her face was pressed into his crotch.
"Mmmmmmffff!" came her muffled reply.
He sighed in his sleep, and placed one of his hands on her head, and started stroking it gently.
"Nice," he breathed, and she knew there was a grin on his sleeping place.
Okay, maybe if she pressed her hand ever so gently between her face and his crotch, maybe she could menuver out of it.
She wedged her hand between her face and his crotch, and pushed down.
She was about to slid her head away, when she felt a curious stirring beneath her fingertips.
"What the blue blazes?" she thought to herself.
"That's right, Sophie," she heard him say. "You know what to do next, my dear."
"Sophie!" Selene sqealed, and jerked away from him, no longer caring if he was asleep or not.
"What the bloody hell?" Adrian shouted, coming out of his dream stupor.
He had been dreaming that he was at the whore house in Tortuga, with Sophie attending to his.... He glanced up and noticed Selene was glaring at him with hellfire in her eyes. Oh, he was in some deep bilge water now.
"And just who the hell is Sophie?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"She is a friend of mine-,"
"You have a lady friend, and you kissed me?" she shrieked, and started slapping him.
"Hey!" he said, holding up his hands, trying to fend her off.
"Hay is for horses, you cheating son of a-," she said, and squealed as he grasped her around her waist.
She was taken by surprise, and couldn't find a hold when she jerked away. She grabbed a hold of his arms as they both tumbled to the floor.
Adrian whirled so he took the brunt of the impact, and she landed on top of him.
She inhaled deep after she got her breath back, and glanced into his eyes. And the breath that she just gotten back got knocked out of her again. She felt like she was floundering in water, unable to breathe or think. And the only way she could survive was to press her lips to his.
Adrian couldn't believe he was caught up in this again. In a tangle with woman that could only get him into trouble. He tried steeled himself against her charms, but it was no use. He was lost in her scent. He pulled her head down to his, and inhaled the skin on her neck. He groaned. She smelled of the sea. Without thinking, he stuck his tounge out and licked the sensitive skin on her neck, right on her pulse point. He laughed when he felt her heartbeat accelerate.
"Do I drive you crazy?" he asked with a husky laugh.
She swallowed hard, and nodded her head slowly.
He laughed again.
"I have noticed something, Selene," he whispered, nibbling on her chin.
She swallowed again.
"What have you realized, Captian?"
"I have kidnapped you, yelled at you, injured you, insulted you, and yet you act as if we have known each other since we were small children,"
But we have, Adrian. We have, she thought, and wrapped her arms around him.
He he was almost to her mouth now, but she was to impatient. She had to kiss him now!
She intertwined her fingers into his hair, and jerked him the rest of the way to her mouth.
His lips molded to hers as if they were made to be together. He kissed her, and she kissed him back with feverish intensity.
He nibbled on her lower lip, and when she opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, he thrust his warm tounge into her waiting mouth.
She had never felt anything like the sensation of his tounge in her mouth. She met it with hers shyly, then retreated.
He growled in response to her playfulness, and deepned the kiss.
My God, kissing her was torture! Her mouth seemed to melt against his. He shouldn't be doing this! He knew she was an innocent, and he was living up to the reputation of ruthless pirates alike. He had wanted to seduce her slowly, where she would come to him eventually. But when she had initiated the kiss, he had been taken completly by surprise. And he'll, he had always been taught to comply to a lady's wishes.
But something was nagging in the back of his mind, something he should have known right away about her. He had it in his head briefly, then it refused to come to light.
He pulled back, and looked into misty eyes that were cloudy with passion. He rubbed his hands over her cheeks.
"Who are you really?" he asked softly. "And what is this spell you have put on me, witch, to fog my mind completly?"
Just as they absorbed their situation, the door burst open, and the cabin boy, James, came in, whistling a jolly tune. He was carrying a steaming tray laden with food.
Selene's mouth started to water, and she licked her lips. But before she could open her mouth to say anything, James's mouth opened the first. It bobbled a little bit, making him look like a fish, then it dropped to the floor.
He set the tray on a little counter beside the bed, and ducked his head.
"I'm sorry, Captain, didn't realize you were, erm...indisposed," he said, his face flushed red with embarrassment.
Adrian sighed, and slid Selene off of himself.
"Its quite alright, James, just don't let it happen again!" he said scornfully.
James, shamed and red-faced, turned and shut the door.
Adrian glanced over at Selene.
"Shall we eat breakfast?" Adrian asked softly.
And all Selene could was nod in acknowlegement.
Note from the author:
I know, and I'm sorry it took sooo long :/ comment, vote, fan!!!!!!

The Pirate and the Princess
RomanceSelene has been captured by pirates. And it's seems their leader is falling for her. What's a princess to do?