Chapter 3: Off with the corset and petticoats

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Chapter 3: 

He just stood there staring at her with shock in his eyes. 

"Where do you keep the rum?" she repeated a little louder, thinking he might be a little deaf being around cannon fire so much. 

He shook his head in disbelief. 

"I heard you the first time," he said. 

"Well, I need an answer," she stated impatietly. 

Sighing, he went over to the bed. He stared at it in surprise. Where was Billings? The old fool must have regained conciousness when the fighting started. He was never one to stay in bed. 

There was a shelf above the bed. He pulled down a thick book, and brought it over to Selene. 

She stared at it in confusion. 

"Why are you giving me this?" she asked him. "I asked you where the rum was." 

"Just open it," he said, gesturing to it impatiently. 

He brow furrowed, she opened up the book. To her pleased surprise, it had hollowed out pages, and inside was an almost full bottle of rum. 

"Why would you do this to a book?" she asked him in dismay. 

"Hey, it was like that when I got it," he defended himself. 

She gave him a skeptical look, and raised one slim eyebrow. He felt a jolt when she did that, and it was like being hit by electricity. He cleared his throat and went and sat down on the bed. She walked over to him, already finding some small strips of cloth she could use as bandages. 

"Please remove your shirt, Captain," she stated firmly. 

He stared at her open mouthed. 

"You know," he told her. "I thought you were a lady. An honest to good innocent lady. But I have begun to have second thoughts!" 

Her mouth dropped open. 

"I am every inch a lady," she gasped out furiously. "Now, take off your shirt." 


"I need you to take off your shirt so I can clean your wound thoroughly," she explained through clenched teeth, about to loose her patience. 

He took his shirt off grudgingly, and now Selene wished she had asked him to keep it on. His upper body was absolutely magnificent. Pectorals bulging, abdominal muscles to die for, and a light sprinkling of hair so minimal that it was barely visible. And that little line of hair that disapeared into his trousers held her interest... 

"Are you done with your persual of my body?" he asked her, and when she looked up, he had a smirk on his face. 

She felt her face heat up. Locating the place where she sliced him on the upper arm, she opened the rum bottle, and poured it on his open wound. And he let out a howl that could wake the dead. 

"Goodness gracious," she exclaimed. "You are such a ninny- oh well, 

I don't even know your name do I?" 

"Adrian," he said. "My name is Adrian," 

"Hmmm, Adrian," she mused. "That's such a pretty name." 

She dabbed some of the rum on a piece of cloth, and then preceded to clean the wound on his upper arm. He hissed in air through his teeth, but that was otherwise the only sound he made. She took the opportunity to study him. He had some really good facial features. Chisled nose, full, yet masculine lips, strong chin. Yep, there was no doubt about it. Adrian was a very handsome man, and probably broken thousands of women's hearts. The was a scar than ran right through his right eyebrow, and than take away from his features, it added character. 

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