Chapter 5: Steering Emotions
Selene massaged her forehead with the tips of her fingers. just realizing what a massive headache she had. Just why the hell were men so frustrating? She hadn't been around many men in her life. And the only ones she had been around were the ones that had been of influence to her father.
And she had been on a sea voyage to go meet her fiancé, the Baron of...she couldn't even remember now, so bad was her headache. Then her ship just happened to be attacked by pirates, her opportune dream of life time at the most inoppourtune time. The leader of band of said pirates had shaken her all the way to her toes.
Of course he would be handsome, because whatever the princess dreamed about and decided she wanted, she got it. Now questions asked. Just a snap of the fingers and it was sitting there right in front of her.
So here I am, Selene thought to herself. My people are in poverty, and all I can think is the way Adrian Stormwall's chest moves beneath his cotton shirt.
She stood up, and stretched out her limbs. She let out a good feeling groan, and preceded her way once again to the wardrobe. She grabbed the shirt she had dropped to the ground when Billings had burst through the door. Laying the shirt across on the door of the wardrobe, she untied the sheet, and she undid her corset the rest of the way.
Taking the corset off, she then slipped out of her shift, and stood there, naked in front of the mirror. She studied herself. She had a trim waist, she flared out just rift at the hips, and her chest area was far more than adequate.
But the real reason behind the clothes that she was borrowing was that she wanted to remain under speculation. Once her father found out what had happened to her, there would be people and every town and port looking for her. And she wanted to delay as much as possible before having to face her...gulp...intended groom.
She ducked her head into the wardrobe, looking for male underwear, but she found none. Shrugging her shoulders, she located a pair of brown breeches, and stuck one leg in, and then the other. She pulled them over her hips, and even though a little big, she fastened them and was pleased to find draw strings so she could tighten them.
Hmmmm, she thought. Going without scratchy underwear feels quite nice a comfortable. With a grin, she reached up, grabbed the shirt, and pulled it over her head. Ah, to be clothed without a corset. She looked down, tied and tightened the laces going up the front, the turned and glanced at her backside in the mirror. It was on full display with it's nice curve, and she thought it looked damn good. She giggled, the realized something was missing to complete her pirate look. Digging around in the wardrobe, but not finding what she wanted in the top, she decided to look through the drawers. She gave a happy "ah ha!" when she found what she wanted. She triumphantly held up a bandana to wrap her hair in. It was a deep red, so it would go good with her dark brown hair. She folded it into a triangle, and then preceded to flip over. She placed the front of it against her head, then took the ends and tied them together behind her head. She flipped back up, and looked in the mirror again. She straightened it so it set right on her head. She looked just like a pirate. Her long wavy hair flowed down her back, and her face, far from being marred by any imperfections, glowed from the new sheen of perspiration that lay on her face. It was so hot, and it made the cabin seem stuffy.
Walking over to the window, she set about trying to find a way to open it. Sighing when relief when she spotted a latch,
she unhooked it, and threw the windows open. A mist of cold sea spray hit her in the face, and she almost groaned with the pleasure of feeling it. The sun was setting, and it cast a golden glow over the water. And, to her delight, she saw two dolphins, one after the other, jump out of the water in front of the sunset. She laughed gleefully, and propped up her chin on her elbow, and just gazed out of the sea.
She had often gone out to the sea with her father, when she was no more than a small child.
She would run around the main deck of the ship, inspecting every cannon, ever crook and crevice. Her curiosity amused her father, and the crews of the ships. Yes they were amused that a little girl who wanted to know everything about ships, about life at sea, had more interest in the everyday life of seaman, than playing with her doll or having tea.
Sure they had indulged her endless questions, answering with a smile and a twinkle in their eye. But she had never, ever been allowed on the quarterdeck of the ship. That was a captain's special place. Besides his bosun, or his first mate, hardly anyone was allowed up there. It was considered an extreme honor if you were invited to come onto his deck.
"I wonder if Adrian will let me come on his deck?" she said, voicing her thoughts aloud.
"Maybe, if you are lucky, I'll let you do more than that," came the deep voice from behind her.
Selen took a deep breath, straightened up, and turned to face him.
The sight of Selene against the setting sun had taken the air straight from his lungs. She was so breathtakingly beautiful. Set with her back to the sunset made the shirt she was wearing transparent, and he could see every part of her upper body. Her full chest was outlined, and her nipples had peaked where the sea mist had hit them. He had to speak fast before he seriously embarassed himself by taking her in the floor.
He scratched his chin and surveyed her, and she blushed under his scrutiny.
"I think your outfit is missing something," he said hoarsly. He cleared his throat, and walked over to the wardrobe again. Bending down open the bottom drawer, he pulled out the drawer, and retrieved another cutlass similar to his own, and a belt to place the sword in.
Selene gasped with delight, and rushed over to him. Adrian laughed, and placed it into her hands. Selene felt like a child getting a brand new toy. She swung the belt around her hips and buckled it. She then placed the sword in belt. She glanced back in the mirror, and grinned. Her ensamble was complete.
She saw Adrian come to stand behind her, saw him place his hands on her shoulders, saw him grin right along with her. She leaned back against his chest naturally, as if they were two complete strangers who had just recently met. She felt safe. For her first time in her life, she felt wanted. She felt truly wanted. He didn't need her status and position to have a reason to talk to her. Hell, he didn't even know she had a status and position, and she could tell he felt comfortable with her.
"You look like a true pirate," he whispered, his breath stirring the hair near her ear.
She shivered, and turned her head so their noses brushed. Their breath mingled with each others, and Selene felt a curious heat settled deep in her stomach. She had never felt this way before, never felt a man's touch burn through her clothes.
Good lord he had never felt this way before. The need to kiss her was so urgent, needed that he didn't know how to proceed. He wanted her there was no doubt about that, but he had to remember that this was a lady, and a virgin most likely. There was no way to put aside the inevitable. His taking her to his bed and making love to her. But he would plan it slow, draw out his seduction until she was ready to accept him.
Just when she thought he was about to kiss her, just when their lips were a mere inches apart, he pulled away. She let her lip poke out just the littlest bit, sad that it seemed he didn't desire her as much as she did him.
"Do you want to come onto the deck?" she heard him ask. "It is getting to be nightfall, and I thought maybe you would like to take a stroll."
She looked up at him and grinned.
"I would love a moonlight stroll with you, Mr. Stormwall," she said with a smile, and took his arm.
Note from the author:
Sorry it's so short, but I have been soo busy lately lol. Hope you guys like it :) Please vote and comment just because you guys love me sooo much!!!!! jk jk. But please vote and comment. at least as a birthday present to me :D

The Pirate and the Princess
RomanceSelene has been captured by pirates. And it's seems their leader is falling for her. What's a princess to do?