Chapter 13:
The giant sitting behind the desk chuckled as Selene pointed her pistol at him.
“Now, baby sister, didn’t I always tell you to never play with boys out of your league?”
He was around the desk in a manner of seconds, snatching the gun out of her hands, laying it on the desk, and then proceeded to swoop her into a large bear hug.
“Cyrus… you are… crushing me,” Selene gasped out, but squeezed him back just as enthusiastically.
“What are you doing here?” Cyrus Guinevere, Baron of Klevaeka, bastard son of the one of the most powerful kings of Romania, asked baby sister, releasing her reluctantly. He walked around to sit back in his desk chair. He leaned it back on the back two legs, and propped his feet up on his littered desk.
“I think the Romanian Government bought that I was going to be married off to some rich Baron,” Selene said, snatching her gun off the desk and sticking it in the waistband of her pants. She started to pace the room, biting the nails on her hand nervously.
“That’s great,” Cyrus enthused. “I don’t understand why you are so upset.”
“Okay, I had some diverse form of transportation,” she admitted, turning to face him, and dropping her head down guiltily.
His interest sharpened, Cyrus asked his next question very carefully.
“By what other means of transportation do you come to visit me?”
Selene’s head snapped up, her eyes sparkling.
“I have hitched a ride with Adrian Stormwall, Captain of The Goddess,” she said.
“What!” Cyrus shouted, getting a little to upset, as his chair crashed backwards on the ground, him going along with it.
It would have been quite comical, if not for the fact that he emerged off the ground mere seconds later, his face a mask of rage.
Selene chuckled nervously. “You see, big brother, it’s actually a funny story…,”
“I’m listening,” he growled, his mouth in a tight line. He got on his feet, and came around the desk, standing right in front of her.
Selene gulped, never more scared of anything than her brother’s rage at that moment.
The story all came rushing out. All about how Adrian ad attacked the ship, and she had offered to go with him to spare the crew’s life. She told him of how they had fought, and how Adrian had won by a mere turn of bodies. She scowled, remembering how he had bested her.
“Damned man,” she cursed, kicking the desk.
“Go on,” Cyrus commanded her.
She shot him a dirty look, but continued on, rushing over the part where he tied her to the bed.
“He did what?!” Cyrus yelled, and Selene cringed. “Where is that blackguard?”
Selene gulped. “O-Out in the t-tavern,”
Cyrus pushed past her on his way to the door, nearly knocking her down.

The Pirate and the Princess
RomanceSelene has been captured by pirates. And it's seems their leader is falling for her. What's a princess to do?