Chapter 12: "I'm Taking Over You"

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(Next Morning) (8:00 AM)

*the sound of glass shattering*



Miyah: *jumps up from sleeping* ROSE!

Jimin: *jumps awake from Miyah* What happened babe?

Miyah: *hyperventilating* R-r-rose.....*hurries and gets out of bed to go check downstairs*

Jimin: Uhm...clothes would be nice

Miyah: *stops abruptly* *looks at herself* Aish! *quickly puts pajamas back on* *runs downstairs* *inspects living and dining room* *sees nothing wrong* *goes back upstairs* AH!

Taro: *standing there* Shhhh it's just me....what happened?

Miyah: Takahiro Tomisaburo Arashikage you know darn well not to stand in the corner and not expect someone running up the stairs to not scream!

Taro: *thinks to himself: my full goddaeng name jeez* Ok ok I'm sorry....what happened to you tho? I heard someone scream Rose.

Miyah: th-th-that was me.....I-i-i think i had a dream..nothing real..

Taro: I'm guessing it was a bad one.

Miyah: *tears up* sh-sh-she was being k-k-k-kidnapped

Taro: Aishhh *goes up to her* it's ok Miyah *caresses her hair* You're worrying too much about her.

Miyah: *crying* I just don't want to lose her!

Taro: I know. I know. You told me the same thing last night.

Miyah: *wipes tears* I did? I'm sorry...

Taro: It's ok...remember what I've been telling you for my entire life?

Taro & Miyah: It's good to worry than to not but it's not good to worry too much.

Taro: Exactly so you need to calm down, get this off your mind a bit.

Miyah: Ok. Thank you Taro

Taro: You're welcome. Also, if you ever call me by my full name again-

Miyah: Yahhh sorry it just came out

Taro: Next time do it when you're not gets pretty deep and intensifying....I like the soft voice Miyah.

Miyah: Taro! *giggles* Bye loser!

Taro: *laughs* Bye cuckoo loca

Miyah: *goes back to her room*

Taro: *goes back to his room*

Jimin: *dead asleep*

Miyah: *whispers: Aish this guy didn't even budge to comfort me* *rolls eyes* *goes in bed back* *hugs Jimin* *goes back to sleep*

(12 PM)

*Everyone awake except Miyah*

Jimin: *pats Miyah* girl....Miyah....wake up

Miyah: *stretches* hmmmmmmmm *holds his hand* *hugs it* *turns* *go back to sleep*

Jimin: Aishhh. Miyah, get up it's 12 o clock already.

Miyah: *jumps up* WHAT? WHERES ROSE IS SHE OKAY?

Jimin: Shhhhhh. Yes everyone is awake except you.

Miyah: Yahhhh *jumps out of bed*

Jimin: Good Morning to you too?

Miyah: It's good afternoon. How can you possibly not remember that and you just said it?

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