Chapter 1

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Hello, this is my first story. I really hope you like it. I already have the main ship worked out but if there are any side relationships you are interested in let me know. Also if you have any questions or suggestions let me know. Thank you and I hope you enjoy chapter 1.

Sighyia's POV.
It was 6:15 am, and I woke up with a massive headache and soreness all down my side. I went to the mirror, it had a massive crack in the middle a shard of glass was missing but I didn't mind. I mean I could have no mirror at all. I lifted my shirt to reveal a massive bruise down my side along with the old scars littered across my body. I sighed and let it down. 'I should apologise to father I really upset him yesterday' I thought as I slipped on my day shirt it looked just like the dirty white shirt I sleep in but grey. I went down to my knees and was covered in holes. I went and brushed my teeth and hair and washed my face. My father was kind enough to let me use the bathroom in the basement. I was only allowed to use that one and was expected to keep the water bill to a minimum.

I went upstairs and started to clean father wanted the house to be perfect when his friends come over. Witch normally means no mess, food and drinks ready to go and me out of sight. He told me an important man was coming at 12 today so it had to be perfect. I finished cleaning at about 7:45 and started on breakfast. I was always worried because I never knew what he wanted other than coffee. Some days he would tell me what I made was acceptable and others he would get mad. I made eggs, bacon, and tost with cut-up fruit. It looked good I never tried most of it before. Father only lets me eat once a day if I'm good, and I am only allowed what he gives me. He said I put on weight easily and eating more than I do will make me fat.

I finished platting the food and set it on the table when father came downstairs I quickly slipped to my knees grabbing them and put my head to the floor. I always had to do this when somebody above me was in the room unless father allowed me up. He grimmised at the meal and scoffed. Saying something about wanting toast and beans this morning. Then proceeded to eat in silence before answering a phone call.
"Who is it?"
"Mr. Coal." father said standing abruptly from the table.
"Yo-your brothers coming early I thought you said 12?" Father said nervously.
"NO NO, it's not a problem. I..." Father looked at the phone as the call went dead.
"Fucking crazy bitch." Father shouted before kicking my side. I whimpered in pain before biting my tung hoping he didn't hear it. I wasn't allowed to make noise without permission.
"CLEAN THIS MESS UP THEN MAKE SOME TEA. MR. COLE AND HIS BROTHER WILL BE HERE IN 30 MINUTES AND I WANT YOU GONE." Father screamed at me before leaving the room. I quickly did as he said then rushed downstairs to my room so fathers guest wouldn't have to see me.

Christopher's POV.
I woke up early today getting a workout in before meeting my brother for breakfast in the dining room. We lived in this house since we were children. After my parents resigned and I took over the mafia. He was first born so many assumed he would take over. My mother and father pitted me and my brother and sister agent each other for the spot since we were children willing us to compete for it. Tho they soon learned it would work like that. My younger sister became a fashion designer and my brother never had much interest in leading. They were not bad parents by any means but they were leading the largest standing mafia in the area. Tho after another attempt to encourage rivalry between us my brother decided enough was enough. He flat-out told my father that it wasn't working. If I remember correctly (Witch I do) I believe he said "Dad...Chris is taking over I work under him. Also, Amanda (who was 4 at the time) wants to be a fairy princess so please let her pursue her dreams." So everyone's expectations of who was taking over sort of shifted onto me.

After I finished eating I told my brother to call my 12 o'clock I decided to go early I had a feeling he would run off if gave him too much time. He owed me money and now it was time to collect.
I listened to the call I almost enjoyed the sound of his panic.
"Who is it?" The swine practically barked over the phone
"It's Jason Cole."
"Mr. Coal." he stammered quickly correcting his rude tone.
"My brother decided to come early we will be there in half an hour," Jase said as cold as always.
"Yo-your brothers coming early I thought you said 12?" He stammered.
"Is that going to be a problem?"
"NO NO, it's not a problem. I..." I listened to the useless man panic.
"Good," Jase said before abruptly ending the call so he did not have to listen to the god-awful ass-kissing any longer. By then the car was pulled up and our driver was ready to go so we left.
When we go there Kyle was waiting outside to let us in. We came in and he brought us to the living room and gave us some slightly cold tea.
"I don't have all day Mr. Eston do you have my 100k or not?" I asked board of all the small talk.
"Um.. you see I have 60k but I will have the rest soon Mr Cole" he replied as if that was an acceptable answer.
"I give you an extension I come all the way here and then you serve me cold tea only to not have my money. Do I have that correct?" I ask as I put the teacup down.
"Cold? The tea is cold?" He asked completely ignoring the important information. I glared at him as he stood up.
"Can I give you something worth 40k instead of cash?" He asked.
"Depends on if it interests me?" I shrugged.
"He then goes to a door leading into a basement it was quiet for a minute before I heard banging. Both me and Jase looked to the door as we saw Kyle Eston drag a tiny boy up the stairs. When they reached the living room he let go the boy almost immediately dropped to his knees in a submissive bow.
"He is well trained, he can cook and clean, he is also a virgin." The swine smirked.
"Stand up," I asked the boy he hezataed unsure if he should move or not before the swine kicked him in his side and told him to okay.
The boy looked young 12-13 years old he had long white hair that touched his butt. Through his hair you could see his beautiful green eyes looking at the floor. He had a ratty t-shirt on that went to his knees and a pair of boxer shorts that looked to be tied at the side to hold them up.
"What is your name? How old are you?" I asked. He looked at the swine before answering as if looking for permission.
"M-m-my name is Si-sighyia and I'm um.." He looked at his fingers counting on them. "Umm.. fi-fifteen sir." He answered he sounded as tho he hadn't spoken in years.
I looked at my brother who looked like he wanted to say something before looking at the boy with pity.
"40k. I'll buy him for 20 and give you a month for the other 20k." I said, I wasn't going to leave the boy here either way but I wanted a reason to kill him before we left.
"That's fine 20k is fine I will get you the rest of your money by the end of the month." He responded before leading us out not even looking at the boy he just sold on his way out. The boy stayed still till the swine dragged him out towards the front door.
"I sold you to him you belong to Mr. Cole do as he says." The boy looked at him in shock before nodding slowly. Being pushed out after us.

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