Chapter 6

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: I am not a therapist nor have I ever been a therapist, or gone to school to be a therapist. I haven't even been in a classroom where they teach therapists. However, there is a therapist in this chapter giving advice. I don't know if it is really good or really bad advice. Do not take this as actual advice to deal with traumatic events.
⚠️Second Warning⚠️: I am not a doctor nor have I ever been a doctor or gone to school to be a doctor. I haven't even been in the room where they teach doctors. However, there is a doctor in this chapter and medical stuff. I don't know if any of this is right I did a quick Google search. I didn't even click on a link. Do not take this as actual medical advice on how to deal with injury or malnutrition. P.s. the medication prescribed was described as tasting like sweet blueberries 🫐 does not exist. Don't look for it I will feel bad. The real stuff is gross.

*Christopher's POV*
It was the morning after the incident I have been referring to as the pea incident of 23. I made breakfast and was going to go get Sighyia. I opened his door and turned on his light keeping the brightness only halfway up to give his eyes time to adjust. "Baby boy, time to get up," I say leaning into his crib to shake him. He wined and rolled off his tummy away from me. I found this amusing he was normally up before me or would cry if he wasn't. I liked this much better. "I know baby but you have to get up." I laughed quietly when he looked up putting at me. He looked like he was going to cry any second so I put the bar down and bent down to comfort him. A bit sad he wasn't over this worry. "Don't worry baby daddy's not mad your sleeping. Daddy is very proud of you." I say rubbing his back. "Nots dat daddys." (Not that daddy) He cried. "Then what is it, baby?" I asked worried he was hurt or sick. "I don wants ta gets ups I wants to cutwell with daddys" (I don't want to get up I want to cuddle with daddy) I smiled at that. I picked him up and cuddled him into my chest. "How about you cuddle on my lap as we eat breakfast, is that okay my prince?" He nodded still laying his head on my chest. "Yes please." I smiled carrying him to go eat.

It's been about two hours and the doctor should be here soon. Sighyia wouldn't let me go. I tried leaving him with Lydia to go work before the doctor gets here but he ran away from her and sat crying for me at the door. So now I am doing work and he is cuddling into me. He clutched onto my shirt every time I moved even slightly. I went to the bathroom earlier and when I got back he was crying slightly. I decided to ask the doctor about it later. She had a degree in child psychology.

Her son was kidnapped for over a year when he was little his father and I went nuts trying to find him. His father was one of my best people I trusted him as much as I did my family. We grew up together, I am his son's godfather and I was the first to hold him after his parents when he was born. His mother never lost hope we would find him. She was my family's personal doctor after the last one retired. She went back to school for child psychology saying "I am going to need to know how to help my little boy when you both save him." She is the strongest woman I ever met.

We found their son Carson 7 years ago when he was 10. Some child predator pulled him from their backyard. He goes to see another therapist other than his mother to talk about it. She doesn't mind as long as he is talking to someone. He has been different since he got back not that I blame him. He used to be a happy-go-lucky kid. When he got back he just pushed everyone away. I was worried about him and his parents. But they were just happy to have their kid back. He got a lot better he talks to people again and lets his parents hug him on good days. He's taken up martial arts to keep himself busy and caught up in school. I mean he will flip you are your ass now if you try to touch him without asking. Me and his father found it hilarious the first time we saw it. A little 12-year-old boy flipping a grown man a man who worked for our family no less.

After about twenty more minutes of work, I heard a knock on the door. Sighyia clutched onto me tightly. "It's okay  baby it's just the doctor she wants to see you." "No," He said shaking his head. He slipped out of little space when I left him with Lydia earlier. "I wanna stay with Daddy." He said. "I will stay with you she will just be there too." I say this seemed to calm him down as he let go enough to let me pick him up.

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