Chapter 2

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Sighyia's POV.
I was still processing when father pushed me outside towards the two me that just bought me. It was so bright compared to my room in the basement. I was forbidden to even look outside the house so I never thought I would ever go out. I step off the concrete stairs following the men time they step on this weird green stuff I've never seen. I look at it before looking at the men who I find are staring at me.
"Why did you stop?" The taller one asked.
"I.. um.." I was unsure what to say so I bent down to touch the odd green stuff. I didn't have shoes on like they did and I didn't want to just step on something that would hurt. I heard a sigh before I saw the shorter of the two men kneel in front of me. Father always told me I was never suppose to be higher than people above me so it made me uncomfortable even though he was still taller.
"Sighyia? That's your name right baby boy?" The man asked and I nodded. He sighed again.
"When you respond to be I want you to say yes Daddy okay baby." He said.
"Daddy?" I asked, "like father?"
He smiled softly at me "Yes baby." He replied.
I thought for I second It was weird to refer to a man I never met as my father but he owned me for now so I had to obey. "Yes Daddy my name is Sighyia may I help you?"
"What are you doing?" He asked softly.
I looked back to the green stuff. "I um... I never seen this before and I don't have shoes and I wasn't sure if it would hurt. I'm sorry if I upset you fath... I um.. mean Daddy." I respond ashamed that I upset my new owner so quickly.
"This?" He asked as he pointed to the green stuff on the ground. "Grass you haven't seen grass before? When was the last time you went outside?" He asked.
"This is my first time Daddy," I said as I began to play with the grass beneath my fingers. "I was wrong it's really soft actually isn't it," I said hoping he wouldn't be too angry with me.
"Yeah it is you okay to walk or do you want Daddy to carry you?"
I shot my head up in surprise. He was asking what I wanted, I was weird I looked at him for a minute before responding.
"I can walk Daddy sorry to bother you."
"It's no bother Baby Daddy just wanted to see if you are okay." He said before leading me to this big thing Daddy called a car. It felt weird to sit in we were going so fast and it felt so weird.
He brought me to a huge house that looked to have 100 rooms. I sat and wondered how I would clean it all every day. Daddy got me out of the car and brought me inside. The man we were with disappeared into the house as I stayed with Daddy. He lead me to a room on the second floor it had a huge baby bed in it Daddy called a crib and a bunch of stars on the ceiling and light blue walls. There was a bunch of books that looked like short stories and a chest full of what looked like miniature animals somebody made out of soft blankets. Daddy said I had to take a bath so he lead me into another room off of this one. It was a bathroom like father had with a big bathtub. He filled it with warm water before taking off my clothing and lifting me in it. It felt weird to sit in so much water I started baths for father but only had showers myself. Daddy began washing me down as I sat there. I tried not to move too much as not to upset him. Eventually, he decides he is done and pulled the drain before lifting me out a raping me in the softest towel I ever touched. I was Brough back into the room and placed on a chair as he grabbed clothing from around the room.
"Baby Daddy is going to get you dressed is the pink onesie and blue shorts is that okay for today?" he asked softly. I nodded and he frowned.
"You were doing so good up until now what did I say about answering me, baby?" He asked.
I looked down disappointed in myself I was so caught up with everything I forgot how he told me to address him. He was being so kind to me and I can't even remember something so simple.
"I'm so.." I paused I'm not sure why but I began sobbing. I felt so bad for upsetting him and I couldn't for the life of me remember what I did so father would give me away. I began sobbing harder as he brought his hand up. This was going to hurt he was much bigger and stronger looking than, father.

Christopher's POV
"Baby Daddy is going to get you dressed is the pink onesie and blue shorts is that okay for today?" I asked softly, I didn't want to scare my poor baby. When he was in the bath I noticed bruising cuts and scars covering my poor baby's body. It looked so bad that I didn't even put on the body moisturizer on after the bath as I was afraid it might sting if it got in a cut.
He nodded and I frowned a bit, I quickly corrected him. He had only been at this for a couple of hours it's shouldn't be surprising he forgot what I told him to say.
"You were doing so good up until now what did I say about answering me, baby?" He asked hoping he would remember. Tho I had no problem reminding him if needed it is only 1:30 and he has had a really ruff day.
I saw him look down so I crouched in front of him to try and see his face. I was curious to know if he was being defiant or if he was upset. Quickly realizing it was the latter when I saw his eyes well up in tears
"I'm so.." he only managed to get that out before beginning to sob hard but was nearly silent.
I reached my hand up to his face and noticed him viability flitch and at the same time try to stop himself from doing so. I touched his little cheek and began wiping the tears and he bumbled out a string of apologies I would expect from someone who just committed an heterosis crime.
"I'M SO SORRY DADDY I FORGOTS I'M SORRY I WON'T DO IT AGAIN DADDY I PROMISE I'M SO SORRY DADDY PLEASE FOEGIVE ME, DADDY." He sobered out struggling to keep up with the tears as he wiped them away.
Hey hey hey, baby, it's okay Daddy's not mad it was an accident. It's not your fault you just forgot it's okay." I said as I pulled the sobbing boy onto my lap. I played with his hair softly as he began calming down.
"I don't remember what I did Daddy." He whispered softly.
"What do you mean baby?" I asked quietly trying not to upset him all over again.
"What did I do to make father not want me anymore Daddy?" He said as more tears slipped from his eyes. I looked down at him I never considered he wanted to stay. Then I released he had never been outside the only person he really knew was probably his father. It's not that he wanted to stay he knew nothing else.
"Baby look at me." I said tilting his head up as his tears trickled down his face. " you didn't do anything your father didn't deserve you he was the one in the wrong, not you. I promise I will protect and love you and I will never hurt you ever okay baby."
"Never ever Daddy?" He asked holding up his tiny pinky finger.
"Never ever." I said interlocking my finger with his.

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