Chapter 5

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*Christopher's POV*
It has been a couple of weeks since my baby moved in with us. He was still nervous but is coming out of his shell a little at a time. Lydia my maid and my nanny when I was young. Has been watching Sighyia when I am working. Apparently, they like arts and crafts because I got a new painting or something since I got a new one from Sighyia every day. I've been hanging them up in his bedroom. He's also learning to read with Lydia. She suggested I get him a proper tutor to catch him up to where he should be. She also mentioned him being really good with numbers and math.

I have been stressed trying to find who has been stealing from us. We keep getting close and then nothing. It has been beyond frustrating.

Currently, tho we are having lunch, and a small meltdown. "Sighyia baby you have to eat your vegetables," I say in my Daddy voice. He began tearing up but quickly wiped them away. "I don't want to Daddy" He said quietly. "If you don't eat them you can sit in the corner until you do," I say thinking he would eat just eat them. He looked at the floor as tears rolled down his face. "Yes, Daddy. Can you help me down please?" He asked quietly slipping out of little space. I was a little shocked seeing how he did everything else I asked. I really didn't think this would be the hill he died on but here we are. On a hill of peas. I set him down and brought him to the corner outside my office so I can watch him as I worked. He stood facing the wall silently as I went to work.

I was so caught up in the work I didn't even realize three hours past. I look over to Sighyia he was still standing in the corner. I was beyond frustrated with work and a little with Sighyia too. I walked over to him quietly. I knew punishment scared him I couldn't ever spank him even lightly with his past he would probably be horrified if I even mentioned it. I had to start calling them different things other than punishments because the first time I punished him he freaked out at the word. He didn't do anything all that bad. But when I told him he was getting a punishment for his actions he froze. Before beginning to sob and beg for forgiveness. He only got in trouble about 3 times in the past 2 weeks but I decided to stay away from the word all together. Even after reassuring him that I wouldn't hit him he still shook at the word.

As I got closer I saw his little legs shaking. I felt kind of bad he was still malnourished and underweight which is why I was so hard on him when it came to eating. I said his name before touching his shoulder turning him to face me as I crouched down. "Hey, baby," I say softly noticing the red and puffiness under his eyes. "Hi Daddy," He said looking down at his shakey legs. "You ready to go and eat the peas now?" I ask with a soft smile so he doesn't think I am angry. He began crying lightly again clutching onto his little shorts. "N-no Daddy." He said barely a whisper. "I'm sorry baby I didn't hear you," I say hoping what I heard was wrong. "Ummm.... Well.... umm... I um...." he sputtered out quietly.

I put my hands on his arms and pulled him into a hug. He let his legs buckle and leaned on me trusting I would keep him from falling. I don't know why I was so soft on him. Even with the other littles I had I wasn't this soft. He snuggled into my arms cuddling up to me. "Do you really hate the taste of peas that much." I sighed. "Not really they taste fine."He said calmly and I just froze. I was baffled. He stood here for three hours just so he didn't have to eat peas and he didn't even mind them all that much. God what would he do for foods he hates. I pulled him away slightly keeping him on my knee so he didn't have to stand on his poor little legs any longer, but he could still look me in the eye. "Baby if you don't dislike peas.... why won't you just eat the peas?" I asked. He looked down and began to cry. "Because it's scary." I didn't even know what to say to that. Peas are scary. "What do you mean scary? Why are peas scary, baby?" I asked beginning to question if we were even talking about the same thing. Even in little space, Sighyia wasn't difficult to deal with so this was weird. "When father gave me peas my throat felt itchy then it closed up and I couldn't breath. And his friend Mr.Anderson stabbed me in the leg and it really hurt." He cried. I took a breath. "Baby, why didn't you tell me you were allergic to peas three hours ago?" I asked. He tilted his head and looked at me confused "Allergic? What's Allergic?" He asked cutely. "Allergic means you have a reaction when you touch eat or smell something. Like hives or not being able to breathe. And I'm assuming the thing Mr.Anderson stabbed you with was an epi pen. It has medicine to stop the reaction." I explained to the best of my abilities. "Oh like when I eat peas and peanuts or when I touch lavender!" He said excitedly. This was the first moment I've ever been glad my brother had a peanut allergy in my life. "Yes, baby daddy is sorry he didn't ask why you didn't want to eat the peas I will ask in the future. But if you have to tell me things like this in the future okay?" I say giving him a snuggle. "Yes Daddy! Can we play bear tea party now?" He asked slipping into little space. I gave him a nod and picked him up. We went to his room and I quickly sent a text to Lydia to get rid of any peas and lavender or lavender scented things in the house. I also asked her to call my doctor to come to check up on Sighyia and to bring an allergy test tomorrow.

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