Chapter 3

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Hello everyone, I am sorry for the long wait. I have had a massive increase in my workload. Took me a while to find a way to balance it. Thank you for your patience.

Sighyias *POV*
Daddy intertwined his finger with mine sealing a promise. I began to calm down, looking at his hands. They were so much bigger them mine, but he was so gentle. I don't think I ever had anyone be this gentle with me my whole life.

He untangled our hands and began wiping the tear stains off my face.
"Baby." I heard faintly in the back of my head still hyper fixated on his hands as they went to touch my head.
"Baby boy?" He said this time, snapping me out of my trance.
"Yes, Daddy," I responded, feeling oddly comforted by his hand gently petting my hair.
"I asked if you are okay with me changing you."
"Oh sorry, Daddy yes Daddy," I respond quickly.
He smiled at me, removing his hand from my head and taking away the comforting pets, much to my dismay. "Okay, baby."
He put me in a diaper before putting the clothing over top. Placing me on the floor and grabbing my hand leading me downstairs. I wanted to ask where we were going but thought better of it. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, Daddy brought me to a room with a couch, a love seat, and a chair surrounding a table. They were all facing a thin black box like Father was always looking at, but this one was much larger.
"I'm going to make some lunch. There is a colouring book and a box of pencil crans on the coffee table if you want to colour."
My eyes lit up one of Father's friends. Used to watch me when I was little, I think, 2 or 3. He always let me colour with his pens as he worked. My head began to feel fuzzy, and I started to feel really giggly at the thought of colouring. I bounced up and down and ran to the coffee table. I looked at the book and picked it up. I smiled at the picture on the cover. I ran back to Daddy and bowed down. "THANK YOU, DADDY!" I said slightly louder than needed before running back to begin my picture.

Christopher's *POV*
I watched my baby's face light up at the mention of the colouring book. He ran to the table stirring at the picture of the tiger on the brightly designed book. I can't believe he slipped into little space so early. I don't even think he knows he did. He picked it up and ran back to me, bowing down.
"THANK YOU, DADDY!" He shouted before running back to color. I was going to tell him he didn't need to bow down, but he was so happy I didn't want to ruin it. I settled for "No problem baby." Before going to make lunch.
My sister was going to join us along with our parents. My brother is, of course, but he lives here, so that's a given. 20 minutes into making dinner, my parents showed up along with my sister Amanda.
"Hey Mom, Dad, hi Manie, how are you?"
"We are doing fine hunny how are you?" Asked my mother.
"I'm doing well, but we need to talk before you go any further."
My sisters worriedly looked at me.
"Chrisy, you okay?"
"It's nothing bad, and I would have told you before you came, but it all happened today. I went to the house of someone who owed me money, Kyle Eston." I said.
"*tch* That stupid swine you spoke of?" My father asked.
"Yes, him. He owed 100k he but only had 60k."
"Is he dead?" My mother asked.
"Why?" Asked my sister.
"Was going to kill him. Probably still will. But he offered to pay the 40k off with his 15-year-old son. He had him locked in the basement his whole life. He only went outside for the first time today." I said, peeking out the foyer, I put Sighyia in the living room because he could be seen from the foyer and kitchen.
"That poor baby." My mother said sympathetically.
"Yeah, so decided to take him as my little. I bought him for 20k and told the pig to have the other 20 by next month." I replied.
"Can we see him?" My father asked.
"Yeah, all I ask is that you are gentle. He gets frightened easily."
"That's a given." He replied.

I brought them to the room. Sighyia was colouring. He looked up and smiled at me shyly before standing.
"H-hi, my names Sighyia Efton and it a plusure to met you." (Hi, my name is Sighyia easton it is a pleasure to meet you.) He said, slewing his words and bowing down.
"Baby, you are mine now, so your name is Sighyia Coal," I said softly, hoping not to repeat this morning's break down. He looked confused. Then tears pricked his eyes.
"I coal?" He asked tears about to spill.
"Baby, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked, considering as tears fell from his eyes.
"I wat sana give bad boys?" (I'm what santa gives to bad boys?) He sobbed.
I heard my sister try to contain a laugh. As I smiled, trying to contain myself.
"Baby, no, you are not coal. Your name is Coal, like me. My name is Christopher Coal, and that is my sister Amanda Coal, my mother, Maradith Coal, and my father, Jackson Coal. You already met my brother Jason Coal. You are Sighyia Coal."
He stopped sobbing and looked at me for a minute. I was about to speak before he started to nod.
"Otay" (okay), he said, then flashed a big smile and plopped onto his knees and began to colour again. We all sat down on the couch, and we waited for Jason to talk about some business.
Jason came downstairs and sat on the couch.
"I talked to one of the top guys...." he looked at Sighyia.
"Я разговаривал с одним из лучших парней, и он сказал, что думает, что это крот."
(I talked to one of the top guys and he said he thinks there is a mole.)
"русский действительно вы думаете, что он представляет угрозу."
(Russian really, you think he is a threat.) Amanda said, looking at Sighyia, playing with the book, making the lion on the page go "raw raw raw." Quietly.
Jason sighed "нет, но это не будет хороший разговор." (no, but this isn't going to be a nice conversation.)
She nodded, and we began talking for about an hour. My maid Linda took care of dinner.

"Последние два года он зарабатывал около 10 700 долларов в месяц."
(He has been stealing around $10,700 a month for the last two years.) Jason said.
I put my head in my hair."Боже, эта сука думает, что может переправить от меня что-то около 256000 долларов. Я собираюсь размозжить ему голову."
(God that bitch thinks he can smuggle what around 256000$ from me. I am going to smash his head in.)
I heard a giggle from in front of me on the floor. "
"что смешного, детка?"
(what is so funny baby?) I ask forgetting to switch languages.
Amanda slapped my arm lightly. "You have to speak en..." Amanda was cut off by Sighyia speaking.
"Глупый папа, это 256 800 долларов"
(Daddy's silly it is 256,800$) Sighyia giggled again.
"English." Amanda finished in shock.

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