Chapter 4

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Christopher's *POV*
I picked up Sighyia, turning to face me on my lap. "Sighyia, baby, can you understand russian?"
He fiddled with his fingers. "A wittle." (A little.)
"How much is a little?" My father asked. Sighyia looked at his lap, tearing up.
"Oh, we are not mad sweets. We were just wondering, that's all." My mother said seeing the tears.
"I unbersband whens tu tay the worbs but ums nots whens tu wrote themselves." (I understand when you say the words but not when you write them.)
"Baby, why didn't you tell Daddy earlier."
"Tu didn'ts asks." He said, plying with his thumbs. (You didn't ask.)
We all just kind of look at each other dumbfounded.
"Well, the boys not wrong." My father said. "Can you speak other languages, sweet boy?"
"I don't know, just the ones my fathers friends spoke." My baby said clearly out of little space.
"I don't know which ones I can just tell when I hear it." He mumbled, them placed his hand to his head and sighed.
"What's wrong, baby?" I asked. Does he have a head ake? Why is he holding his head? "Sorry fa- Daddy, it's nothing." He said, dropping his hand. We were going to have to go over rules later. I don't like lies. My timer on my phone went off telling me dinner was done. "Time to go eat." I said, putting my baby on the floor.
We walked to the table and sat. I left a chair for Sighyia, who was spacing out. "Baby, do you want to sit down?" I asked, making his head shout up. "I'm sorry, Daddy." He said before sitting on his knees with his head on the for in a submissive position. Everyone but Jason looked at me. I could tell what they wanted to ask. Jason just looked at Sighyia sympatheticly. I got out of my chair and bent down in front of him. "Baby boy. Can you stand up for me?" I asked. I came to the conclusion that if I ask him to do something, it might be less scary than just telling him. At least for a couple of days. He stumbled as he stood, and I grabbed his hands lightly. "I would prefer if you sat at the table and ate with us." I said, trying not to upset him. He looked at the chair and then at me. "But it's dinnertime." I didn't quite understand what he meant by that, but I had a feeling I wouldn't like it. "I can't eat lunch." He responded. "Why not baby?" I ask softly. "I'm only sopost to eat dinner or I'lll get fat." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Baby, you are not fat. You are beautiful, and here you are going to eat at least 3 meals a day. Sometimes, you might even have snacks." He looked shocked. "All day?" He asked. "Yes, every day you will eat 3 proper meals." "Not just today, but every day." He asked. "Yes, baby, every day. Now, let's get you into the chair before the food gets cold." I smiled at him. "I can sit on a chair too?" He asked happily. I sighed sadly at the excitement over such a little thing. Something he should have always had. "Yes baby, you can sit on the chair." I placed him on the chair, and he began to fidget. "You okay, baby?" I ask. "I don't want to fall." I smiled and went to the hall closet. I put extra little stuff in here. I replaced everything since my last little I wanted to be prepared. I brought it to the table and showed it to my baby. "Would you like to sit in this chair? I can buckle you in so you won't fall." I ask, hoping he will say yes. "Yes, please, Daddy." He said, putting his arms up cautiously. I picked him up and placed him in the chair, pushing the other out of the way. I'm grateful everyone got their plates set as I was dealing with Sighyia. Trying to give us some space. I get mine and Sighyia's plates ready cutting Sighyia's food into bite-sized pieces. I place it in front of him. It was on a plate with a bear on it. It had a matching fork spoon and sippy cup. I put the lid on the cup, hoping it wouldn't be too far. He looked at it then at me, and I began feeling nervous. Maybe it's too far for today. It's only day one, and he already slipped once. He then broke out in a big smile. "Daddy Daddy, look look!" He said in a slightly higher voice. Did he slip again? I ask myself before giving him a smile. "What is it, baby boy?" I ask as he bounced around the chair. I'm glad he is in a high chair, or he might be on the floor. "It's wike da boo-k!" (It's like the book.) He said pointing at the picture on the spoon. "What book, Buba?" He looked down excitement going away. "Ares tu mads?" (Are you mad) He asked. "What? No, of course not. Why would I be mad?" I began to worry I did something wrong. "Cuz father told mes tu trogh da boo-k aways." (Because father told me the through the book away.) "No baby, I'm not mad. How about I get you new books." I say watching him begin to light up again. "Wif da bers!?" (With the bears!?) He asked, eyes sparkling. "If that's what you want, baby." He gave a beaming smile. "Tusz reads dum to mes!?"(you'll read them to me!?) He asked, bouncing again. Everyone smiled at him, bouncing away. "Of course, baby, I will order some after we are done eating." I say, and he began trying to eat. Trying being an important word, I don't think he used spoons very often because only one out of every four soon actually made it to his mouth. It was cute at first until his eyes welled up in tears of frustration. "Nos, tu go in my tummys so can gets the burs." (No, you go in my tummy so I can get the bears.) He wined at the food. I stopped talking to everyone else and turned to my baby. "Would you like some help?" I ask before he was about to cry. "Yes, Daddy, pwese. Pwese helps mes pwese. No works" (Yes, Daddy, please. Please help me please. Not working.) He said, holding out his little spoon. I take it and begin to feed him. "Thank you for using such nice manners, baby." We finish dinner, with me feeding Sighyia. I speak to my family about work and such before they leave. Sighyia ran over to me he slipped out of little space after dinner. I sat on the couch, and he stood in front of me slyly. He seemed to be a lot less shy in little space. He fidgeted with the hem of his shorts. "Umm... are, um.." He stuttered out. "What I'd it, baby?" I ask, taking one of his little hands in mine. "Um... the books. The bears. Can I really get one?" I pulled him in slowly. Giving him a soft hug. "Good job, baby. We can get as many as you want. I can feel him smile as he wiped his arms around me, giving a light squeeze. "Thank you, Daddy."

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