Just a fan

250 4 14

Y/N : Your name
L/N : Last name
This is my first time writing a story on here so yeah. I might not edit it. Hope you like it I guess? uwu

"Y/N! Dinner is ready!" I hear mum shout from outside my door.

"Okay!" I shout back. I unpause the video and keep watching. After a few minutes mum calls to me again.

"Hurry up, your food is getting cold!"

"I'm coming soon," I shouted, annoyed. "Let me finish this chapter first! I'm watching Stranger things!"

"Fine, just don't start another episode."

I'm nearly finished the episode. Mum knows me too well - sometimes I do forget to eat while watching Netflix. I would finish an episode then start a new one, because I'd get interested in the show. This might sound weird but watching stuff like Netflix and YouTube are way more fun than eating.

When the episode is done, I forced myself to get off my phone and go to the dining table. My dinner is has a bunch of unknown vegetables - yuck.

After I finish my dinner, I put my dishes on the kitchen counter and start going back to my room.

"Y/N, have you washed your dishes?" Mum asked from the living room.

I sigh and start to wash them. I hear mum put something on the TV. I put the clean dishes on the drying rack then went to the living room.
Mum is watching a show. I wanted to go to my room but I heard a voice that stopped me in my tracks.
Sadie Sink?

I glanced back at the screen and there she was. I don't know how I can recognise her just by her voice...

"What show is that?" I asked.

"It's a movie called Dear Zoe."

"Can I watch it with you?"


I sat down with her excitedly. Anything with Sadie in it is a must-watch. I don't know why but I feel sort of nice when I see Sadie. I'm a big fan of her - but I'm not obsessed like what mum says. She's just my favourite.

☆ My Favourite ☆ | Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now