Stealin' the Spotlight 🔦

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The story is still fresh in my mind.
I wonder if I'd ever dare to share the story with Sadie.
It's the story I want. But is it the story she wants?

Maybe I'll tell her the story. I won't give her any hints that I was daydreaming about us. I can't ruin this.

Today, the Drama club didn't have a meeting. It was just me, Sadie and Millie in the auditorium. Why couldn't it be just me and Sadie? I mean, Millie's cool, but Sadie is... my favourite.

Sadie and Millie were discussing ways they could make the ideas into a functioning play.

"Someone put down the idea that we rein-act a whole season of Stranger Things," said Sadie, reading one of the many pieces of paper. "But I don't know how to feel about that. We're creating our own plays here, not acting out series."

"This person wrote the idea of making a play where the main character is a girl that does magic," said Millie.

"That gives me Harry Potter vibes," I remarked.

Sadie picked up another paper "What about this one... Huh? How are we supposed to add Chongyun to the story?"

"We'll make it the biggest cross-over ever," Millie joked.

Sadie shook her head and laughed. "I don't know how this is going to fit together and still make sense."

I took a breath and glanced at Sadie, body full of anxiety.
"I was thinking we could do a love story..."

I waited for them to say something until Millie asked "How do we fit all the ideas into a play?"

Sadie turned to me. "Y/N, get out your phone and have your notepad ready. It's time to do some making-things-up-on-the-spot."

I got my phone out, careful of the suspicious- I mean, normal phone case.

Sadie and Millie both started picking up the papers and spurting out random lines of story while I tried to type it all out. After they were done they asked me to recite it.

"Oh okay um, it's a love story about a spell caster girl and a person who is cursed  to turn into a dragon every other day. The half-dragon is also cursed with immortality. They meet when the half-dragon seeks help from the spell caster. They try to figure out how to rid the curse and along the way end up saving their city from a hoard of attacking demogorgons - wait what??
They meet the mayor who asks to name their price. The half-dragon explains that they want to rid their curse and the mayor directs them to a witch.
The witch explains that she can rid the curse. In return, she gets immortality and the person gets to live for only half their lifetime.
The lovers agree to spend every day together until the end."

"That works, I think," Millie said.

"Yeah, and the ideas we didn't use, we'll find a place for them later," Sadie nodded. "Good work team."

The next day, Sadie announced the story and members are happy enough. We gave the two main characters names:  Addie (the spell caster) and Rosie (the half-dragon).
Then we organise the roles.

We get a few people wanting to play the
witch. The auditions for the witch was basically a contest of who's the best at cackling and doing the creepiest voice.

"I wonder which role I should be," Sadie mumbled.

"Sadie, you should be Addie," said Millie.

"Y-yeah, you'd be perfect for it," I said quickly.

"Really? Well, okay. If everyone's okay with it."

Sadie got the role of Addie, that means I need to get the role of her lover.

The auditions for Rosie commence and of course I audition. The judge is Sadie herself.
A bunch of people audition, including Millie, for some reason.

I am the last person up.
I'm standing in front of Sadie about to confess my feelings - because it's a part of the script, that's all.

I end up getting too nervous and can barely say the line. Even though it's for pretend, I get so lightheaded doing it.

"I- I- Uh..."

I look into her pretty blue eyes and blushed profusely.
She's going to get suspicious of me. Oh god, she's gonna know.
Everyone's watching me. I have to say it - for the play!

"I... I'm in love with you!"
I cringe at my own words and walk off the stage.

Sadie looks at her notes writes something down.
"Okay, I've chosen the person who will be playing Rosie."
I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut.

I felt like all of my hope went down the drain. Why her?
I felt like running all the way home and drowning in my tears. WHY HER?

Millie and Sadie were smiling, without me. I fought back tears and left the auditorium in a huff.
I tried to avoid them for the rest of the day to avoid thinking about it.

When the bell rang for the end of the day, Sadie approached me.
"Wait, Y/N!"

I glanced back at her warily.

"You seemed really down today. You wouldn't talk to me or Millie since the Drama meeting. What's wrong?" she asked.

I don't know what to say.
I can't say I'm jealous that Millie got the part. It would sound narcissistic.
"Nothing," I muttered.

"Is it because you didn't get the role?" she asked. Wow, she's spot on.

I nodded.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, it's just that you seemed a little nervous and I didn't want you to get overwhelmed when we do our actual play. You did very well though," she said. She looked genuinely sorry.

"Oh. It's fine, I guess."

Then Sadie smiled. "Do you want to go to the Fair with me on Saturday? It opened up recently. I just wanted to cheer you up, plus the Fair looks super fun."

Huh? Sadie's inviting me somewhere? Like, a date? Ah- no, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's just a hang out.

"Sure!" I said immediately. Oh god, did I sound too enthusiastic there?

Sadie didn't seem to mind. She laughed.
"Good! By the way, I'll give you my Snapchat if you want."

She got out her notebook and scribbled something down. She ripped it out and handed it to me.
I looked at her username and a rush of joy washed over me. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks," I said shyly.

"No problem, I'm glad I was able to bring a smile to your face."
She turned the other way and we waved each other goodbye.

I said under my breath, "You always bring a smile to my face."


Sadie Sink
Hey Y/N!

I'm just wondering, where is this Fair?

Sadie Sink
They set it up in the park in the middle of town.

Where's that?
Soz, I'm new here.

Sadie Sink
I can pin the location on a map.
No worries, I'll just pick you up.
You gotta tell me your address.

K :)

Sadie Sink
Btw Millie wants to come too.
So it's gonna be the three of us :D


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