In My Head 💭

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"Can I work with you?"

I kept as quiet as a mouse. I could barely breathe let alone talk. The longer she stood there the more flustered I became. I'm sweating now - oh god make it stop.

She lingered there. "Sorry, it's just that my friend isn't here today. And I thought since you didn't have a partner, I could be yours."

Sadie wants to be mine? No no no no, why is my brain doing this?! I have to say something.
I summoned up the only bit of courage inside me and said "Y-yeah let's work together."

Oh no - did that sound right? Chill out Y/N, chill out.

She sat down in front of me so I couldn't avoid her gaze. I've never felt so conscious of what I looked like until Sadie came along.
I think my heart rate sped up, and I felt all weak and trembly. Sadie is in front of me.

My eyes were glued to the table. Have I just imagined this? Maybe I've been dreaming this whole time, but it all seems so real.
I glance up at her again. She's writing on the paper, her shiny orange hair draped over half her face.

It can't be a dream. But she looks like a dream.

She looks up at me. I don't know where to glance so I end up looking at the sheet of paper. I stared at the words that she had written in the middle of the paper: Protests and Activism. Her handwriting was so neat and pretty.

She draws a cloud around the words.
"Would you like to write things down or shall I?" she asked.

"You can be the writer. Your handwriting is really nice."

She smiled, making me feel weirder and hotter.

"Thanks. Okay then, I'll write. Do you know much about protests and movements?"

I shake my head. "Sorry. I don't know much about that..."

"All good. My name's Sadie by the way."

I wanted to say 'I know. I'm your biggest fan', but that would sound too weird right?

"Oh, I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
It's not just nice to meet her - it's amazing to meet her. But I don't want to freak her out and make her avoid me.

We worked on the brainstorm, though she's doing most of the work.
I hate that I don't have anything to contribute. She's already written ideas and connecting it to the cloud in the middle.

"Maybe you could search up 'protests in history' on Google?" she suggested. "My phone is about to die."

"Sure." I pulled out my phone. I was about to rest it on the table when I remembered something. Oh god - my Sadie Sink phone case!

I quickly covered the back of my phone with my hands so she couldn't see the image. Phew...

I used my thumbs to research.
Ten minutes to the end of the period, the teacher told us to choose one of the topics we wrote, so that we could do a presentation about it.

"Which one do you want to do?" Sadie asked. "I'm pretty sure we're doing this presentation together."

"Oh, um, any one is fine," I replied.

"Okay - how about we do a presentation on the LGBTQ movement?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

The bell rings and I rush out the classroom to check my timetable, and also to breathe.

Finn walks out as well. He sees me and walks beside me. "What class do you have now?"

I glance at him. "I have Art."

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Why do you look so red in the face? It looks like you've been sun burnt."

Is it that noticeable?
"No reason," I lied. I see Sadie behind him, walking out of the classroom and into the hallway. My face probably flushed a few shades brighter.

"Seriously, what is up with you?" Finn said, shaking his head. "Well, I don't really know where Art is. I don't have that subject. Though, Sadie does, so you should probably follow her. She's that red head walking over there-"

"Okay, thanks Mike. I mean, Finn!" I rush past him towards Sadie, so that I wouldn't loose her. When I get about a metre away, I get nervous and end up trailing behind her. It's like I want to talk to her, but am too shy to do it.

I watch her walk into a classroom and sit by herself. I gather up courage to sit down at her table when a group of girls came and took the seats. They began chatting to her like they were friends. I let out a disappointed sigh.

I sat at a small table in the corner of the room. Throughout the lesson, I kept glancing up at her, sketching away at my book. I'm supposed to be drawing what the teacher wanted us to, but I somehow ended up drawing Sadie instead.

I looked at my sketch in the middle of the paper. Then went to turn the page...

Someone pulled a chair up to my table and sat down. I pulled the paper back quickly so they wouldn't see what I'd drawn. It was a good thing I did, because the person sitting there was Sadie.

"Hey Y/N, I thought you looked a bit lonely back here. So I'm here to keep you company... And I also want to avoid those girls," she said, pointing her thumb over her shoulder. "They, um, fangirl too much."

"Makes sense." I realised I'd said it out loud.

She looks at me in silence.

I swallowed. "Well, you're probably really good at art."

She smiled. "No they weren't fangirling over my drawing. They were fangirling over some other thing I do."

She might start telling me about her acting career, and I'd act all surprised and tell her how much I love the characters she plays. But instead, she doesn't tell me anything else, and I'm not sure if I should ask. I don't want her to get uncomfortable and walk away from me too.

We sit in class, drawing and complimenting each other's drawings. Whenever she tells me how good my drawings are, I feel a wonderful glow of happiness.

Sadie and I hang out at both break times. She showed me each of the blocks and classrooms in this complicated school. I'd basically abandoned Finn, but I don't really care. Getting to hang out with Sadie is better. With her warm smiley face.

I came home feeling warm and smiley too. Mum asked what was going on with me today and I told her everything that happened. She listened intently and her mouth fell open when I told her about Sadie.

"No way," she breathed.

"Yes way! I know it sounds unbelievable and crazy but it's true. H-here." I showed her a picture I took of Sadie from afar, when we were in Drama class together.

She stared. "That's Sadie all right. What'd you say to her? Did you say you had a crush on her?"

I blinked. "No! Why would I? And I don't have a crush on her! I think..."

I went into my room and emptied my bag. I took out my sketchbook and put it on my desk. I flipped through the drawings until I got to the one I was looking for.

There she was, on the paper. As clear as day. It's not a dream.

I wrote 'Sadie Sink' under the little sketch and drew a cloud around it. I drew lines to smaller clouds, connected to the big cloud.

In the clouds around Sadie I wrote all the things that could describe her. 'Pretty', 'cute', 'nice', 'talented' and 'smart'. But when I thought about what I was doing, I cringed and ripped the page out.

I considered throwing it away, but decided to keep it on my desk.

Why would I draw her and write all that stuff? I wouldn't do that for any other person. Is mum right? Do I really have a crush on Sadie? No, I won't believe it, not yet.

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