🌧️ Lovers in the Rain 🧡

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It was the day of the play.

Sadie and I were standing together in a fake meadow on stage. The backdrop behind us was detailed with trees, hills, and a double rainbow part covered by a orange clouds; the top half of the sky was blue and the bottom was orange. Golden hour.

The entire school of over a thousand was seated in the auditorium. All eyes on us.

We're about to say our last lines...

"Rosie, I want to spend every last second of my life with you," Sadie says, taking my hands in hers. "Because..."

"I love you," we say in union.

I don't know what came of me then, but I felt a ethereal pulse within my chest. I leaned closer, closed my eyes and pressed my lips on hers. She froze like a crashed computer. I could hear the crowd of students clapping noisily, and the occasional cheer.

Once my brain had caught up to my heart, I realised what I just did.
Oh. Oh no.
I quickly jerked myself away, almost falling backward from my weak knees. The gentle pulses grew at rapid speed. I felt like a timed bomb about to explode at any second.  I stare at her big blue eyes, glistening under the spotlight like crystals.

In the heat of the moment, I ran the other direction, off of the stage—so fast that I was almost flying. The people sitting in the audience became a blur. I rushed out of the auditorium, under the bleached cloudy sky. Little droplets feel onto me but I kept up the pace. My heels clicked the concrete like fingers on a keyboard.
Why? Why did I do that?

Once I'm out of the school gates, I stop beside a nearby bush to catch my breath. The sprinkle from above slowly became a downpour.

I don't know whether to go back or stay here. I don't want to get drenched. But nor do I want to bear Sadie's distasteful words. In my head, I hear her saying, "Y/N, I don't like you like that. Why did you have to kiss me? I don't think we can be friends anymore."

My eyes started to sting. And soon, I'm crying as well as the clouds.

I ruined everything.

The sound of footsteps and splashes makes me stop cold. On my right, someone rushes out of the gate with their long damp orange hair flowing behind them. We both turn towards each other.

"Y/N!" Sadie says.

I look down, letting my hair act as a cover. I hear her shoes softly tapping my way. My body loses its function, and I remain still like an inactive robot.

I see her pretty shiny black shoes appear in front of mine. All of a sudden, a hand brushes the hair from my face. Her smooth palm goes under my chin and lifts it up. Our eyes meet.

"Are you okay?" she says softly.

"I'm sorry," I say, tears still running.


"I'm so sorry for kissing you. I wasn't thinking, and n-now I feel so stupid—"

"Wait, Y/N—"

"I-I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore."

Her hand wipes away my tears. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you. But instead of being friends..."

My stomach sank.

"... do you want to go out with me?"

I blink. "What?"
Am I dreaming?

"I wasn't sure whether I liked you or not. But after you kissed me, I realised these feeling are real," she says shyly. Her cheeks became rosy. "So... will you go out with me?"

I could barely breathe let alone reply.
"Y-yes. I... I really like you. You've always been my favourite."

She slowly leans forward and places her lips on mine delicately, and time sort of freezes.

We're together at last.

  * The end :) *

☆ My Favourite ☆ | Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now