Hot Water 🥵

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For the past few weeks, Sadie and I have been practising for the play in the auditorium at break times.

We also hung out on the weekends whenever she wasn't busy with her acting. I've been to her house, and she's been to mine (Mum freaked out). We've done escape rooms, gone to the movies, went to the zoo, went bowling, and even attended a Taylor Swift concert.

But today was way different...

My Wifey Sadie
Hey Y/N
I was wondering if you wanted to go to the spas with me tomorrow

I'd love to!
When are you coming?

My Wifey Sadie
10 in the morning if that's ok

Sounds good :)

I started fizzing with excitement once again. I can't get enough of her.

She picked me up and we drove to the spas. Sadie told me she made a reservation for a private spa. I like it when it's just us.

When we arrived, we're taken to our area by an employee. I see a light blue oval of water surrounded by stone tiles.

"The changing rooms is over there," the man indicated.

"Thanks." Sadie turns to me with a huge smile. "Come on, Y/N!"

We bolt to the changing rooms with the employee hollering, "No running!"

I take a stall and Sadie takes another. I'm done before her, so I wait on one of those white wooden sun lounger chairs.
After a few seconds, I hear the door unlocking...

"I'm done! Sorry if I took too long."

"No, not at al—"
I'm facing her, immediately wonderstruck.

She's wearing a black bikini with a tropical tower draped over her shoulders. Her bikini top looks tight over her chest. Wait why am I looking there?!

I feel myself heating up. I make eye contact with her instead, but that didn't help. Every inch of her is gorgeous.

"You look nice," I said weakly.

"You too," she said, walking towards the spa.

She peers at her reflection in the water, while I try not to look at her behind.
But it's impossible.

She carefully dips her feet into the spa, then her whole body. "Coming in, Y/N?"

I'm too stunned to do anything, but somehow force myself into the pool. It's a bit hot at first, but I got used to it quickly. My attention shifts onto Sadie again. She's leaning on the sides of the spa, hands behind her head.

She has nice arms. And a nice face. Okay, her entire body is nice. I shouldn't think such weird thoughts but I am.
Make it stop.

"Do you think you're ready for the play next week?" Sadie asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Um, yeah I should be."

"Why is your face so red? Can't you take the heat? Do you need to get out?" she asked, all concerned.

"Um- no, I'm okay, not feeling a thing," I gabbled, when in reality, I feel like I'm being boiled.
I'm feeling too much.

We stayed and chatted for who knows how long. I tried my best to focus on the conversation instead of daydreaming about other things.
Somehow, we landed on the topic of crushes.

"I've had many crushes, on both celebrities and people I knew," she says.

Do I dare ask?
"Do you... do you have a crush right now?"

She hesitates. "I... might."

The word 'might' repeated in my head. I might have a chance. I might not. I need more information.

"You might?" I ended up saying.

"Well, I'm not sure if I like this person. I do, but I don't know if I like them romantically."

I don't like this middle ground. I should be able to be either happy or sad, but this is killing me.

"But," Sadie continued, "I feel very happy around them. I feel more happy around them than I am around anyone else. For a while I've been wondering whether this feeling is just from a strong bond or is it something more."

Warm sparks of happiness filled my core. I still don't know if she's talking about me, but I have a gut feeling she is. I have to ask.
"Who are they?"

For a moment it seems like she's the one getting boiled. Her face gets a shade of pink.
"I don't think I should say."

A little playful smile appeared on my face. "Go on, I won't tell. I probably don't know them," I say, leaning towards her.

"You do know," she says with a shy grin.

"Finn? Caleb? Millie? No wait," I leaned right up to her face. "Mr Broom?"

She cracked up laughing, pushing me away from her. "Y/N! Of course not."

"Then who?"

She looked at me. "I'll tell you when I figure things out."

"That's fine."

We're sitting close together now and I accidentally touch Sadie's hand. She doesn't retract it. I found her palm and wrapped my fingers around it.

"Ew, you have wrinkly water fingers," she says with a laugh. But she wrapped her fingers around my hand as well.

"You have wrinkly water fingers too!"

"That isn't a problem is it? What if I were to show you my wrinkly feet?" she joked. Sadie was about to raise her leg, when I put my legs on her lap.

"Don't," I laughed.

"Fine, then I'll just give you a leg massage."

"Weird, but I'm not complaining."

I don't know how we got to this stage of intimacy, but I like it.

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