✨The Dream 💫

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I'm so psyched to go to school.
Which is weird, because I've never felt this excited for school.

All morning, I've been fussing about how I look.

"You're hair is fine, Y/N!" Mum groaned.

"Is it? Maybe I should comb it more? How do I look?" I peer at myself in the mirror. "I look tired!"

"That's your own fault," said Mum. "I walked into your room last night and caught you watching something on your phone. It's unhealthy staying on your phone at night. I've caught you doing this two nights in a row!"

"Why were you even peeking in my room?"

"To check on you, to make sure you're not staying up late on a school night. What were you doing on your phone at 12pm anyway?"

I thought about the many Sadie edits I watched on YouTube shorts.
"Um, nothing."
The first period of the day is Art. I walk into the class and my eyes immediately land on Sadie.

She's sitting in the corner of the room, at the same table we were at yesterday. Except now there's another girl sitting in my place. She had straight brown hair.
The pair were talking and laughing.

It made me feel a little strange. My heart sank, and feelings of envy grew in my chest. I wanted to be in that girl's place. I wanted to be the one laughing with Sadie.

I sighed and started walking to another table.
Suddenly I heard Sadie call out "Y/N!"

My heart started panicking again. I held my breath and turned to see Sadie and the other girl staring right at me.

"Come sit with us," Sadie called.

I guess if she wants me to.
I walked over to them, pulling a chair from one of the other tables nearby. "Hey" I said awkwardly.

"Y/N, this is my friend Millie."

The girl waved at me and said "Hi Y/N!"
I quickly realised that she looked like Eleven. This wasn't any Millie - it was Millie Bobby Brown.
Just how many actors go to this school?

"Hi," I said back. Millie is just a friend. I shouldn't get jealous right?

"Sadie said you are super good at drawing."

Sadie complimented me?
"Oh..." I felt myself blush but tried not to show it.

I sat with them in silence. They tried to include me in their conversation a couple of times but I felt like it was mostly them talking. Why couldn't it just be me and Sadie...

At History, Sadie and Millie sat at their small table so I pulled up a chair and sat with them.

Sadie let Millie join our group for the project. I felt a little attacked because I wanted it to just be me and Sadie's project together.

When the bell rang for break, I followed Sadie and Millie because I didn't know where else to go. They heard me and turned around.

"We're going to meet with our Drama Club, Y/N. Do you want to come too?" Sadie asked.

I nodded. Of course Sadie would be in the Drama Club. She is a perfect actor after all.

I followed them to the auditorium. Most of the people who took Drama as a subject were there. People from each Year group had come and sat down in front of the stage. There seemed to be around 30 people.
They were a noisy bunch.

When some of them noticed Sadie walk in, they nudged the others to be quiet.
Sadie turned to me. "Would you like to join the Drama club? It's a place where we create and practice plays. Unlike in the actual Drama class where we have to learn things, here, we just make something up and go with it," said Sadie.

"Sadie is the leader of the Drama club," Millie added.

She's the leader?
God, that makes me admire her even more- umm, in a non creepy way.
If I get to hang out with her more because of this club, then of course I'll join. Besides, how could I say no to that lovely glowing face?

"Okay, I'll join."

They both smiled at me, but I'm mostly looking at Sadie.

"That's great," she said.

We went towards the stage and Millie brought me to one of the chairs in the second row. Sadie went on the stage.

"Hi! Welcome back you amazing budding actors," she announced.
I heard a little laugh from all the people who Sadie put a smile on.
"Now that we're in Term 3, we'll be starting a new play. So please, give me your ideas and we'll try to compile them into a story. Oh and, say hello to Y/N, our newest member."

She gestured to me and all of the people turned their heads.
I could hear a few of them saying Hi. Most of them waved.

Soon, Sadie had them writing ideas on pieces of notebook paper. She sat with me and Millie. They wrote random ideas on their paper and chatted. All the while, I still had a blank piece of paper.
Sadie saw my struggles and told me "Make up a story that you want. Then write down the things in it. Everyone's ideas are different. And when all those ideas are put together, you might get a big mess of a story, but in the end it's all for fun."

I sat for the rest of the break making up a story in my head. A story that I want.

All I could see in my mind is a girl with hair the colour of fall leaves. She's with a person, similar to me. They are dancing while the autumn air blows the dry leaves all around them.
I think the two people might be me and Sadie.

The bell rings and I realised that I'd zoned out. The paper is still blank.

In class, I kept daydreaming about the two people, who may or may not be me and Sadie. It feels weird to be daydreaming about her. I feel self-conscious, like Sadie is opening my mind and seeing all the stuff I'm thinking about, though I know she's not. No one can.

In this class I have now, Chemistry, Sadie isn't apart of. Which makes the whole class more boring.

The person is in a hotel room. Them and Sadie wake up-

"Y/N," called Mr Pope.

I blinked back to reality. "Yes?"

"I just asked you a question there," he said.

"Oh, sorry."
I'm lying in my bed at 2 am. Freaking 2am.
I know what mum said, but this time it's not because of the edits. It's because of the story in my head.
Whenever I feel like I want to sleep, another part of me wants to continue the story.
It's like I'm a director, controlling the movie.

They lie on the grass together in the dark. Glowing fireflies float around them.
The sky looks like it has been scattered in glitter.

'No sky can be as sparkly as you,' they thought. It turned out that they'd said it out loud. The orange haired girl turned to face them.

A pink hue appeared on their face as they look away from her shyly. 'S-sorry,' they said.

The girl smiled. 'It's okay.'

They turned to face the stars again.

Suddenly a star zipped by, disappearing almost instantly.

'A shooting star!' the pretty girl exclaimed.

'I'll let you make the wish.'

'Okay.' She went quiet for a moment.
'I wish... That you'll be mine forever.'

The other person smiled.

My drowsiness took over and I passed out, letting the thoughts swim away.

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