Roses are Orange 🏵️

105 4 7

I could hardly sleep on Friday night.
She was on my mind again.

Mum has started checking on up on me every night to make sure I don't wreck my sleep schedule.
Whenever I hear her footsteps, I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep until she leaves.

If I actually try to sleep, I can't, because I'm a sweaty mess.
Sadie what have you done to me?

Staying up late is probably unhealthy. But is thinking of her all the time unhealthy?
I grab out my phone. The light blinds my eyes for a second. I go onto Google and start  searching things up.

'Is it normal to think of someone all the time'
'Why am I feeling weird'
'Why do I feel weird when I look at someone'
'Is it normal to have weird thoughts about a girl'
'Crush meaning'
'Signs of having a crush'
'Do I have a crush or is it just a phase'
'How long do phases last'
'Am I obsessed'
'Is Sadie sink in a relationship"
'Sadie sink movies'
* * *

I'm getting dressed, trying to look as nice as possible. There are bags under my eyes, but there's nothing I can do about them.

I'm waiting by the window for Sadie to arrive. She said she'd come at around 10 o clock.

I saw her car pull up and my heart starts thumping again. I yell out to Mum "I'm going now, I'll be back by five!"

"Okay have fun," she shouted back.

I went to up the driveway, where Sadie's Cadillac was parked. I saw that Sadie and Millie were sitting in the front, so I got in the back.

A few minutes later we arrived at the Fair.
There were so many cars in the car park, plus new cars were only arriving.

"Wow, it's crowded today," Sadie said warily.

"Don't worry, just wear your sunglasses and act like a normal person," Millie muttered to her.

We got out and went to the arch gate. The arch had 'Funtime Fair' printed on it in bright curly text.

"Where to first?" Sadie asked me.

I spotted a cotton candy stand and my eyes lit up. "Let's get some cotton candy!"

Sadie smiled. "Exactly what I was thinking."

We went to the stand where a line of people had gathered.
Sadie stared at a menu and asked "Which one would you like?"

I looked at the listed flavours and decided that I'd either take a rainbow one or an orange one.
When we got to the front, I still couldn't decide.

"I'll get you both," Sadie offered.

"Oh, you don't have to."

"Don't worry," she smiled. She turned to the  salesperson. "I'll get a pink one, blue one, orange one and a rainbow one."

The girl behind the counter eyed her closely. "M-Max?"
Millie looked away, and Sadie rearranged her hair awkwardly. The girl's eyes widened. "Oh my god, are you Max Mayfield?"

We glanced at each other.
She got recognised.

"I'm your biggest fan! I love Max! Can I please have a selfie with you?"

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