New day ✔️ New face ?

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It's my first day at this new school. I walk in and see an old man sitting at a desk. There are students scattered around the room: most of them were on their phones. He looks up and smiles, gesturing for me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. So I do.

"Hello, you are Y/N I believe," he said. "I'm Mr Broom, your home room teacher."
I nodded and he continues. "Since you are new to this school, I've appointed you a buddy who will show you around. He is also in our home room. He should be here soon..."

We wait there for a couple of seconds before a tall kid with messy, curly black hair rushes into the door frame. "Ah, sorry sir. I forgot I was supposed to meet you here."

Mr Broom shook his head. "Never mind. Come and sit down," he said gesturing at the chair beside me.

The boy sat down next to me.

"Y/N, this is your guide, Finn. Finn meet Y/N, you are to stick with them at break times and make sure they get to their classes on time," instructed Mr Broom.

Finn nodded and side-eyed me. He looks kind of familiar, but I don't think I've spoken to him before..?
Black curly hair and an unamused expression. Suddenly it came to me.
This kid looks like Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things.

He began glancing around uncomfortably. I realised that I'd been staring at him for too long and looked away.

The bell rang and Mr Broom gave me my timetable, then sent us off to our next class. I peered at my timetable. First period Monday I have History.

I looked at Mike- Finn, and asked him if he knew where my history class was. He looked at me with his poker face and muttered, "Yeah, you're in the same history class as me."
He sounds kind of like Mike as well...
Is he the actor of Mike?!

I was dying to ask, but what if he isn't and I embarrass myself? I glanced at him again. No way... it must be Mike's actor. That or a doppelgänger that looks like him.

"S'cuse me. I can't help but notice that you look like a character from a show," I said before I could stop myself.

"Go on?"

"You look like Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things. Don't know if that's just a coincidence or?"

"I think you watch it too much," he remarked. "That's why the people you see are starting to look like the characters."
Then he cracked up. "I'm joking. What's the name of Mike's actress?"

I didn't know. So I quickly pulled out my phone to search it up. I read the name that came up and froze.

Finn Wolfhard.

My eyes widened. I looked at Finn, then at the picture, then back at Finn.

"Surprised?" he grinned.

Surprised? Yes.
This guy is Mike's actor! I've never met an actor before. He's probably incredibly famous.
I'll admit, I was never a big fan of Mike as a character for how he treated Max, but it was still cool to meet him.

"Yeah save the comments for after class," he said. We walked to the classroom, most of the people were there already. Mike went to sit with some other boys.
There was an empty seat near the wall, behind a girl with red hair. I walked over to the seat, ignoring everyone.

The teacher - a middle aged lady with blonde hair - called out the roll. I looked down at the table, waiting for my name to be called.



I immediately looked up. I glanced at the teacher. Sadie?
There must be some other girl named Sadie. I don't know why I reacted that way when I heard her name. She couldn't possibly go to this school too... right?
But Finn's here.
It's unlikely that Sadie Sink goes to this school - but the chances are never zero.

The voice that called out sounded like it came from behind me. I turned around and peered at head of long, orange curly-ish hair. Sadie Sink?
No no no. Anyone can have orange hair. This is just a coincidence. My hands are trembling a bit.

"Y/N," the teacher called.

"Yes," I replied quickly.

"You're our new student aren't you? Well my name is Ms Brunette. If you like, would you mind telling us a little about you, like where you're from?"

"Um, sure," I said. "I came here from Rainland. The reason I moved here was because Rainland is at war with Blueland. My mum was terrified of the potential bombing and we didn't feel safe."
(*Rainland and Blueland are countries I made up, they aren't real lol*)

"Yes, I've heard of that," the teacher nodded. "I hope you feel more comfortable and enjoy yourself here."

I nodded. I glanced at 'Sadie', who had half turned around, not catching my eye. I sat back down.

The teacher said that we were to brainstorm some topics about protests and activism. She said we had to work in a pair or in a group to share ideas.

I looked at Finn who was already talking with the other boys at his table. I scanned the room and everyone seem to have gotten into groups. Great, I don't know anyone here, I guess I'll do this alone.

"Excuse me."

I looked up. Sadie was standing by my table, already holding a piece of paper. I saw her pretty blue eyes. It was Sadie Sink!

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