Chapter 12

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9:30 pm (I'm gonna let everyone actually have some sleep for once so-)

*le time skip to 8:47 am*

                Scott yawned, stretching his arms very profusely and then dropping them into his lap. He stared with half-open eyes at Vincent, who was still sleeping soundly at his half of the room. Scott smiled, watching the naga's body rise up and saunter down with each snore. The messenger turned to Jeremy, who was cuddled up in his corner, sleeping almost silently. Scott got up with a grunt, bending his back and massaging his spine. He shuffled over to the exit, smiling into the sun's shining face. Taking up a space on the ledge as he sat down, he swung his legs lazily back and forth, studying the vast sea of green before him. He yawned once more, stretching his legs. A bird tweeted loudly above him, flapping its winging occasionally and gliding other times. Scott smiled, happy to see at least some normal source of life.

My life got turned upside down when I entered this forest, he thought to himself. I never thought I would meet someone who cared about me all over a sudden. It was all my fault when I didn't heed Fritz's warning... Wait a minute... FRITZ! His eyes jerked fully open now, and he stumbled to his feet swiftly, not tripping or even missing a step. He entered the cave in a flash, staring wildly around for the small fairy's cage. His eyes drifted around until they locked on to the tiny wooden cage, which was slightly hidden in the huge cave's corners. Grabbing the handle carelessly, he stared between the bars to see Fritz, curled into a ball, with no joyous glow to accompany his limp wings. The messenger quickly ripped through the damaged bars, reached into the cage with care, and brought the fairy up to eye level.

"Fritz?" Scott whispered. "Are you there?" He nudged its stomach tenderly with his thumb. "Please don't be dead..."

The fairy dramatically opened one eye, smiling dryly. Scott, overcome with joy, held the small creature close to his heart, tears of joy flowing endlessly down his red cheeks. (Why are they red? Don't ask me...) Fritz squeaked, Scott obviously squeezing him to death.

"Oh, sorry," Scott muttered in apology. The fairy adjusted his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. "It's...quite alright," the fairy said in response. "You need any food?" the messenger asked, obviously concerned that he had left his friend in a cage on the floor for at least two days, or more. "That would be nice," Fritz said, smiling.

Scott was walking past to recover some berries from the remaining basket when Vincent suddenly grasped his ankle, causing him to land face-first onto the stone floor. Scott yelled out, alerting Fritz, who threw a ripped cage bar at the naga. Vincent laughed, pulling the alarmed Scott closer to his chest, drawing in for a kiss. Scott struggled to get loose until his lips crashing into the naga's, and soon fell into his lover's tender grip. To finish, the messenger gave Vincent a swift peck on the cheek, causing the beast to laugh and nuzzle his shoulder.

I love you, to the ends of the earth and back.


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