The Clean Up

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"Hey Alexa, play Dalia's playlist" I shout in my room while looking around to find my bag. Since we are having The party that means alcohol, late night, drunk people, and no one being able to drive. So, I will not take any chances. I will stay in the QQK house with Diego. The clock ticks as I start grooving around to the music.

I really should have picked out my outfit for tonight yesterday. But after filming and dealing with Nate and Finn I was wasted. I still need to give them the papers, btw.

I shuffle around and head to my closet, "too short, too long, too tight, Perfect" I pick up a dress and I try it on. This is... I look at myself in the mirror of the closet door. The dress looks nice, is not too long, or short. Oh, shoot it has a stain. I hate dressing up and dressing. I start looking through some of my drawers hoping to find something that works but nothing.

I'm getting frustrated now. I like to go to parties looking, at least like I tried and not just for Diego. The thing is, since Rush week happened on our freshmen year Kay and I made a name for ourselves around these corners and somehow we have kept it without having to sleep with anyone. Also, the fact that our boyfriends run a frat house, helps.

Giving up momentarily on the clothes I grab my makeup bag. I put in all the products I have laying around because I must admit, being organized is not my best skill. I'm always in a rush so it's a valid excuse.

I hear an out-of-tune song coming from my back pocket and I grab my phone "Alexa, pause the music" with that the apartment goes quiet and I pick up the call

"Hola bebe, ¿que paso?" I hear Diego take a deep breath on the other side of the line

"You know I love you right?"

"What did you do?" I ask slamming one of the brushes against the vanity.

"Me? Nothing. But the guys" he stays quiet "The guys what?" I ask raising my tone a little bit. Here's the thing. Whenever the guys "do something" is never good. There is always either, blood, fire or a mess, and I don't know which one is worst. "It doesn't matter right now, I just need you to come to the house. Spencer will explain everything to you." he says and I take a deep breath running my hand through my hair. "Wait, why Spencer? Where are you?" "I have to go with Dereck to a main house meeting with the Qappa Qappa Kai. But I really need your help at the house. Please baby." "Ay Diego siempre es lo mismo" I walk towards the kitchen to get my keys "yes I know, I love you too babe" "You owe me, Big time" "I'll make it up to you believe me" I can feel him smile at the other side of the line and I feel my anger going down. "I'll see you when you get back"

I hang up the phone and make my way to the car not without grabbing an apple from the counter. If these people are going to stress me out, they won't catch me on an empty stomach. 

After parking in front of the house my hand flies to my mouth. The house is covered in... toilet paper? WET and dry toilet paper. I will murder the man that had this idea. With my bare hands, and with no hesitation.

I open the door and make my way inside. "Who's idea was to put toilet paper over the house?" I say loud enough for the guys to hear. "Fred" I hear a couple of voices answer and his head appears peeking out from one of the doors. "Me, why?" he asks smiling and I stare at him dead serious "Consider this your last day" I threaten him and when I start walking towards him, I feel an arm over my shoulders stopping me. "Hey Dalia, How are you? You beaut-" "Let me stop you there," I say as I take his arm off my shoulders. "what happened here?" I ask "please don't get stressed out" he pleads and I just give him a death stare. "Well you see" he turns me around towards the living room. This place is a mess, not even a pig could live here in peace. There are cups everywhere, clothing items "Is that peanut butter?" I ask pointing at one of the couches, and the wall "Yes, but don't try to eat it" "What makes you think I" he interrupts me "One of the boys scrape some for his breakfast sandwich and he's been shitting for like 3 hours" I gag at the thought of it and walk towards the main living room. I look up and there is pizza stuck in the ceiling, with peanut butter "Did the peanut butter had a discount I missed?" I ask and he shakes his head.

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