Pixies and Goblins

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"And done!" I say brushing a bit of glittery highlighter on Kay's cheek "now open your eyes and marvel at my masterpiece" I grab a handheld mirror and put it up to her face so she can see. A blue and pink eyeliner with silver specks and a bit of eye shadow, she looks more like a pixie than pixies itself.

"Wow, this looks great! I'm not too stoked with the fact that you're forcing me to go out, but this partly makes up for it" she says smiling at me and I shake my head as I start adding more glitter and blush to my face because it's never enough.

"Hey, I'm not exactly thrilled to be going either. But, we have to put ourselves out there in this new chapter. It will either be a colossal failure or an unforgettable night, if it's the first I promise we can leave early and grab some ramen on the way back" I offer now adjusting my top. The only way we can meet people is by putting ourselves out there and even though sometimes I'm not a fan, trying new stuff isn't that bad.

"Ok, deal, but can the ramen be a part of the night regardless if it goes wrong? Because now it's not a want but a need." I nod while putting away my eyeshadow palettes, as she quickly cleans up my brushes.

Kay and I are wildly different at least what I have learned for the past 3 weeks since we started living together. I like to meet new people, she likes to stay at the dorm, I am slightly disorganized, and she Is the definition of organization. Even color coding, which I don't know where she gets the time to do, but she does... So I try not to interfere with her methods.

But there are a few things we share, like being Puerto Rican. Living in a strange country where you know no one, can feel lonely at times, so it's a relief to have someone who helps you bring to life a piece of your homeland in this bland place. Mostly when I found out that the little supermarket that is near our dorms had chocolate Cortez and queso de papa. After that, I started to make hot chocolate as my grandma does back home. I say it's because I really like it but it's mostly to battle feeling homesick. So I make a cup for me and one for Kay.

One time I was feeling heavily homesick, so I was making some and the girls smelled the chocolate and barged into our room to ask what we were doing, when I explained, they were really excited to try it until I put the bar of cheese inside. They thought I was crazy until they tried it, and now every once in a while, they ask for it because "After that one, Starbucks hot cocoa doesn't taste the same" Actually I think Sarah took a picture of that night.

The girls on our floor are really nice, (most of them) I had met a couple of them earlier in the week so I forced Kay to meet them. She didn't want to at first but what kind of friend would I be if I enjoy all the fun alone! A terrible one.

The thing that made Kay and I become friends was the late-night talks. We found out that we enjoyed New Girl so much that it's now part of our night routine. We talk, snack brush our teeth and watch New Girl until we pass out. It's fun.

But tonight, we will delay that bedtime routine to keep enjoying the fun. We are going to a frat party, a themed one, so we are dressing as pixies... at the disco. Very clever. Wish I would have come up with it myself, but the party theme is Fairies at the Disco.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of the Greek system, but Sarah invited us because she was joining Rush week and I want to live all those stupid as seen on tv, Hollywood ruined college experiences. So, I told her to count us in.

"Ok, so how do I look?" I ask while giving a quick twirl, "You look amazing!" Kay says fixing a strand of my blue hair. I have been dying my hair since I was like 17 and I love it, it's almost my whole personality at this point. "I must say it's like they made this theme just for you, the blue hair really ties the whole look together" I smile as a thank you. The reality is we look good. We look like a costume inspo Pinterest board.

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