Sunrise call

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I feel the rage and tears forming up in my eyes when I hear the disgusting ringtone of my phone. It's not my alarm, it's vibrating too which means someone is calling. I groan as I turn around and become almost blinded. The brightness of my phone is way too high. I manage to answer without even seeing who it is.

"You better have something very important to say in the next 30 seconds or I will hang up" Let's say I'm not the best morning person. I ain't a morning person at all. Mostly when I have barely slept. I just fell asleep why do they do this to me?

"Hi Baby, am... can you open the door?"

"Huh?" I look at my phone just to realize it's Diego. Ay, mierda. I somehow end up sitting on my bed fairly quickly as my heart thumbs on my chest. Why is he here?

"Hello? Dalia, are you there?" He pleads and I hang up the phone wrapping myself in a blanket before walking towards the door. I shuffle the keys and I open the door just to find a the two monkey's, Diego and Derek. I grunt as they smile.

"I hate you BOTH" I say opening the door wide enough so they can come in. "She seems to be in a delightful mood" Derek jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Hello little lady" Diego embraces me with his arms taking me by surprise. "I'm not happy about this" I remark but I'm too tired to fight so I give in putting my head on his chest and closing my eyes, drowning in his perfume. He sprayed way too much this morning, I can tell. But it's also my favorite perfume of his... this man knows what he is doing. "Are you feeling better?" he asks rubbing my back thru the blanket. I look up to see his face and he notices my confusion "weren't you on your period?" He asks raising an eyebrow refusing to let me go. "Oh, yeah I took some pills I'm on my mercy moments" he nods, I call mercy moments the little chunks of time that I'm not in constant pain. Which he knows already, making this the perfect lie.

"Hey where is Kay?" I hear Dereck ask from behind me "She is..." I turn to see her room door open, and the bed empty... Ah shit where is she. "Running" I say while giving myself an internal facepalm. If he realizes that I don't know where his Girlfriend is, there is going to be a problem.

"Running?" Diego and Dereck ask almost at the same time.

"I'm sorry Dalia but we are talking about my Girlfriend. Kay, the girl that doesn't" I interrupt him

"Leave her alone she is trying something new. Don't be so Judgy McJudge" I roll my eyes letting go of Diego to face him.

"And why didn't you joined her?"he asks walking to the kitchen as if the house is his.

"What am I her babysitter? She can do whatever she wants she is a grown up. Also she left early I wasn't going to wake up at the freaking crack of dawn." I really need to stop making this less and less believable.

"You just didn't wanted to wake up early" Derek says I nod. "Yeah, and you guys ruined that for me" I say almost shouting while frowning my eyebrows which for some reason makes them laugh "Just wait for her, she should be back soon. You are with her almost every day so let her have her moment" I explain to him. He sighs as he starts the coffee brew. "Y'all want?"he asks and I deny just like Diego.

Diego cups my face to make me look at his, "We need to talk my love" when I denny he smiles and leans in for a kiss. A kiss that I swerve last minute leaving him confused.

"Ohh, she swerved you dude" Derek now wants to be a helpful and fundamental part of the conversation.

"You are doing that a lot lately, I don't like it" he pouts and I giggle. "I'm sorry, I haven't brushed my teeth. No stinky kisses." I say as an excuse and he rolls his eyes. "It's not like it's the first time" he says a little disappointed and I shrug. "Listen I know I messed up but this" Diego points at himself and then at me multiple times "is wrong," he ends and it's almost like he is throwing a tantrum. Kind of funny. "So let me make it up to you, today at the Drive in and watch that movie I told you about" he says holding my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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