The Aftermath

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I twist the key to the apartment and push the door. The smell of Kay's new candle is pungent I find myself covering my nose for a moment. It doesn't smell bad it's more of a fruity mix that I can't quite comprehend yet.

I look at the couch and see a couple of things I didn't have time to put in my bag when I went to the QQK house. I pick them up one by one, my feet slowly asking permission to take every single step. They feel heavy. I find myself in my room putting all the stuff in a corner, I turn around and get a glimpse of the mirror. The blue mascara all over my cheeks, my eyes red, my face puffy from crying. I take a step closer.

Who are you?

I can't bear myself to think that this is how I look, all because of a boy.

But the thing is... it's not just a boy. It's Diego. My Diego. Well it used to be. I still don't know how I'm supposed to feel. One moment I hate him and the other I love him. Some prt of me expects me to hate him for what he did. But how do you tell yourself that all that time was a waste of time? That it didn't matter, not even a little bit or well it did, just one-sided.

I take a deep breath and make try to wipe my face with the back of my hand. I'm a mess.

bzz bzz

I feel my back pocket vibrate and almost like an instinct I take out my phone. My screen lights up again.

I have messages from Sarah, and from Diego. I unlock my phone and open Sarah's chat.



Dalia, I'm sorry I know I should have told you girls sooner. I hope you are ok.


Please let me know when you get home.


I just arrived, don't worry enjoy the party

I get out of Sarah's chat and I see Diego's chat. The messages keep popping up poor boy.

What am I saying? Poor boy? Poor me.

Are you ok?

Are you feeling good?

I keep seeing the messages pop up in the notification bar. I don't open it even though all of me wants to because I truly believe I got drunk and this is all a nightmare. Even though I haven't taken a single drink.

Are you asleep?

You were in pain maybe you are asleep

If you wake up send me a message.

Kay told me but, I-...

The message gets cut short, is too long. But either way, I won't open the chat.

I throw my phone on the bed and enter the bathroom. I take a wipe and clean my face, from all the waste of makeup from today and walk towards the desk. All of my notes are spreaded on the table. Little drawings taped to the wall, I smile at them, I even find myself cheesing at a sticky note that Diego left me on our "beginning" stages that says "please stop running away" with a smiley face.

I open social media and start watching random stories, I see my friends from the beginning of the first year and I liked a couple of their stories.

I remember my first year here, I wanted to try a lot of different things and one of them was volleyball. I was an athlete in Highschool, I love it, but between one thing and another I couldn't be part of the varsity team, but I remained friends with the girls.

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