TGIF and a visitor from the city

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Pelican Town woke up to a rapture blue sky. Frost was banished for good, but the cold air was a reminder that the winter wasn't over just yet. From distance you could hear the sound of bumblebees and  bird singing combined with the hum of lawnmowers signaling that the land is warm again. Spring is nature's defibrillator, a high voltage pacemaker that jump starts life into the nature. 

Most of the people were looking forward to warmer days but not Sebastian. He was holding his blanket up to his nose and was staring at the ceiling. He has been awake for a while but his body didn't want to get up. 

"Sebby! You are going to be late. It is almost 10:00"

Robin's voice pierced the walls. It was his annual check up at Harvey's clinic today. Hopefully he would get diagnosed with a rare disease that would kill him in his sleep. He imagined his funeral. He saw himself lying lifeless in a coffin. His mother was crying. There were not other people there. Why would they be? Don't be sad Robin. You are going to be fine. I have been more a burden for you than a joy. Your life will be better without me. Then another person came in to the altar. He recognized those blue jeans overalls and the muddy boots. Lacryma was angry holding her hands in her sides in closed fists. He saw her approaching the coffin leaning towards him grabbing tightly the fabric of his black hoodie. She was not angry. Her face was deformed from crying, her eyes were red burnt from tears. "Stop being an idiot" she yelled to his breathless face.

He opened his eyes simultaneously both in his dream and in the reality, and pulled away the covers. With a swift jump he got out of bed and he tried to drift out of the dream or whatever that was. He was not afraid of death. He was sure that he would not be missed. He couldn't stop but wonder if Lacryma cared enough for him that his absence would make her suffer. He was an idiot indeed. Sam and Abigail would be devastated too. He was somehow convinced that everyone would be better without him. They wouldn't have to deal with his awkwardness anymore. He checked his phone. There were two messages one from Sam and one from Abigail both reminding him about his appointment at the clinic. Sebastian was unable to conceive this as a gesture of love. He felt that he was a bother. He put his phone into his jeans pocket. He managed to sleep again in his clothes something that it was great because he didn't have to get dressed. He was ready to go. Robin was sitting behind the counter working with something. He saw a basket full with fresh crops, parsnips, potatoes and kale. Lacryma has been here. 

"We saved you some breakfast Sebby, grab something to eat before you go. Lacryma brought some fresh eggs too, Maru made omelet" said Robin without looking at him. "Oh also check in the fridge, she left something for you, she said you should eat it today".

Sebastian did not reply but he was very curious to see what was that Lacryma brought for him. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. He saw a small plastic container with his name written on the lid with black marker. He grabbed it and headed out again.

"Ok gonna eat this on my way to the clinic. See you later Robin" he said and quickly closed the door behind him. The sunlight blinded him and he grimaced almost in pain. He looked down and prayed for rain but the big puffy clouds were indicating no intention for it. He followed the riverside towards the town center hoping not to meet anyone on his way to the clinic. Soon he was walking behind Evelyn's house and there was a bit of traffic outside Pierre's. He could hear music from Abigail's open window. He rushed in to Harvey's clinic, he managed to arrive a little earlier despite the fact that it felt like he was walking for hours. He sat in the waiting room and opened the goody box from Lacryma. It appeared to be a neatly made sashimi bowl. This is the perfect breakfast. On the inside of the lid a wooden fork was taped. Like she knew that I would take it out and that I would not have anything to eat it with. He started eating and closed his eyes in joy. The flavor was not fishy, with a hint of soy sauce and wasabi together with rice, he felt that he had a foodgasm. It was perfect. The weird morning mood started to fade away and his body relaxed. He finished his meal quite fast and he could not take out of his mind this farmer girl that always seemed to know how to make him feel better. She was very busy the last couple of weeks. He knew that she had to do a lot in the farm and people were getting crazy with orders. Last time they saw each other was at the saloon last Friday. They paired against Sam and Abigail in pool and she was literally so bad that he had to carry the whole game. It was a nice evening though. She said that she wants to learn how to play, he offered to teach her. He didn't have any high hopes for her she just didn't have it and it was obvious. But the same hands that could not hold a cue stick properly, made this divine snack and could swing a sword against slimes. How weird is that? She had tiny and soft hands despite the farmer's work. He remembered the feeling of her delicate fingers when he was trying to show her how to position her thumb and index finger around the cue. With the excuse of the game he was closer to her than he would ever dare, their bodies syncing together while he was teaching her the basics. He could feel her warmth and excitement and her smell was intoxicating, her whole presence was like a drug to him. The memory of this moment made him blush and slightly jumped on his chair when he saw Harvey coming towards him. 

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