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The torch on the wall cast more shadows than light as the new Yiga Caln warrior hurried down the halls with his important message.

He gripped the scroll he carried tightly. If this paper was lost, Master Andromida would have his head. 

To the new member's surprise, it had turned out that Master Kohga had survived his fight with...Link. Hyrule's supposed hero. The Yiga hated him with a passion.

"Ah, there you are."

The new member jumped slightly and whipped around to see Master Kohga standing behind him. The Yiga leader clicked his tongue. "We'll need to work on that startle factor of yours, but we'll get to that. You have my letter, I see."

The member nodded and quickly handed it over.

Master Kohga unrolled it and read it quickly. "Ah, yes. Thank you for getting this to me. Do you know who this is from?" Kohga placed a hand on the member's shoulder. "Calamity Ganon himself. He's telling us the time is right for our plan to be put into place!"

Kohga whipped around. "Yiga! Assemble! The time is now!"

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