The Monk's Message

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Zelda's P.O.V.

"Link!" His name errupts from my lips and although my body is sore from the rough landing, I run over to him. He hit his head on the corner of the wall and he's knocked out cold, a thin trickle of blood running down his forhead from where he had been hit the hardest. "Oh no...Link. Oh, Link, you're going to be okay!"

I pull his head onto my lap and brush his hair away from the wound. I don't understand how this turned into some kind of horrific nightmare so quickly.

An airy, female voice suddenly reaches my ears: "don't worry, princess..."

I gasp. "Who's there?!"

A small glowing orb with wings suddenly flies towards me, coming from the pedestal holding the blue flame. As it gets closer, I notice it has wings—a fairy. Tiny blue sparks float off of her and it seems like she could be part of the blue flame herself. I can't help but stare. "Who-who are you and where did you come from?"

"I am Solana, the Fairy of the Blue Flame," she replies. "I am where there is the ancient power source, such as this pedestal of blue flame here. I have been called upon by the Goddess Hylia to aid you and the Hero, Princess."

"Called upon by the Goddess..."

"Indeed, Princess. It is now my duty to stay with you until both of you and all of Hyrule are safe."

That thought worries me but I instead ask, "If you can only exist near a source of blue flame, how are you supposed to stay with us?"

"One thing at a time, Princess. Allow me to help."

Solana swoops down low and hovers over Link's forehead. The blood slowly disappears, and all that is left is a thin red line. It might even form a new scar. Link shifts in my arms and Solana floats back up so that she is level to my face. "You have come to a dangerous place, Princess. You have unfortunately stumbled upon what is known in the ancient world as 'The Abandoned Shrine'. Many years ago this shrine was begun for the monk Afara Tazua. However, something terrible happened to this monk, not long after the Goddess Hylia delivered a message to him."

"I'm almost scared to ask, but...what happened?"

"They say a dark force was chasing after him," Solana explains. "He was enshrined too soon to prevent this dark force from getting the message from Hylia. Afara Tazua's plans for this shrine had been lost, so all that could be done was to put a platform in place for the Hero to reach the Monk's encasement. However, this shrine was designed for a whole puzzle, and any shrine that is not set up how it was meant to be falls into ruin."

"Oh wow..." I suck in a breath and look at the darkness around us, the only sources of light from the flame and Solana's glow. "So how do we reach the monk?"

"I can take you up there."

A groan comes from Link and he hand reaches for his head. "Ouch..." he catches sight of Solana and his eyes widen. "What is that?"

"This is Solana, the Fairy of the Blue Flame," I help Link to his feet. "She's here to help us."

"Due to not being summoned in many years, I have lost much of my power and this is not my true form. I will not be able to help you much unless you carry this, Princess." She twirls over my hand and a small silver necklace appears, a hollow orb hanging off the chain.

I hold it up. "What does this do?"

"You can carry a small flame on the blue fire. As long as you have this around your neck, lit, I can help you," Solana touches the orb and a blue flam sparks up inside. I carry loop the necklace around my neck as she continues. "But be forewarned--if this flame goes out, I will disappear along with it. I will not be able to rejoin you until you reach another source of blue flame."

Link nods slowly. "Okay. Now how are we getting off this platform?"

"I can power that platform there. Step onto it, and I shall take you to the monk."

Link gives me a slightly worried look and I give him an assuring smile. We step onto the platform and Solana swirls around us, the platform glowing blue. It jolts into motion, moving us forward and upward at the same time. The Monk's encasement comes into view and we come to a stop in front of it. Link turns to me and asks, "Are we sure about this?"

I nod. "If this man was chased down by evil for whatever message he carries, we need to know it."

Link nods then touches the Sheikah Slate to the encasement, causing it to shatter, blue shards flying around us. 

"Hero and Princess..." The monk's voice resounds in the silence. "I am Afara Tazua, the monk and creator of this shrine. I have waited many centuries for you both to come, Link and Zelda. This message was meant for both of you, and by Hylia's blessings you have reached me."

Link and I exchange a worried glance and the monk continues: "I was blessed to hear the voice of the Goddess Hylia. This message must be relayed to you: be forewarned, the danger still lies in wait. 'The Hero shall falter once more, and shall be saved by a golden light'. This is your future, tread carefully."

"Wait, Afara Tazua!" I exclaim. "That's it? What danger? What is going to happen to Link?"

"All is as it should be, Princess." Is my reply. "Go, and bring peace to Hyrule..."

"But wait!" I lunge forward but Link grabs my arm, pulling me back as the monk disappears into swirls of blue. Then everything around us blurs and fades to black.


A/N: Got another chapter out already! I'm inspired! Hope you like it!

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