A Terrible Warning

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story and being so patient with me!

Link's P.O.V.

The light of the world is harshly bright after the dark of the shrine. Zelda sits bolt upright, grasping the chain of the necklace Solana gave her. The flame is still bright and Solana herself pops up a moment later. "You must hurry onward. I advise discussing this with Impa. She would know what to do."

"That is exactly the plan," Zelda scrambles to her feet and rushes to the horses. "Something must be done. Come on, Link!"

We urge our horses into a gallop and turn back towards Kakariko Village. People jump aside as we plow down the path, barraging into Impa's house. Zelda exclaims, "Lady Impa! We—by the name of the Goddess who is this?!"

I draw my sword, pointing it at the Yiga Clan member before us. "Step away from Lady Impa before you loose your life."

"Wait, Master Link, its me!" the mask is pulled off and I find myself looking at Paya. "Don't hurt me, please!"

My mouth drops open and Impa chuckles. "Good to know I'll be safe when you're nearby, Master Link."

"Paya joined the Yiga Clan?" Zelda bursts out.

Paya flushes red. "N-no! Not truly, at least. I'm spying!"

Impa nods. "She is spying. It would turn out that despite your efforts, Link, Master Kohga still ives."

I sheath my sword. "How is that possible?"

A shrug is my response. "But what matters is he lives. Paya says they got a letter from the essence of Calamity Ganon. They have a plan. One last push to try and end everything."

I feel Zelda stiffen next to me. "Three years later and he's trying to resurrect? How?!"

"I'm afraid I do not know, Princess Zelda," Paya nervously plays with her Yiga mask. "I am only an entry level soldier. The letter was discussed among the Yiga Blademasters, Master Kohga, and Master Andromida."

My brow furrows. "Master Andromida?"

She nods. "A replacement leader for the Yiga, when they all thought Master Kohga was dead. However, no one can rally the clan like Master Kohga, and when he returned, he was set as rightful leader. Master Andromida is his right hand."

Impa's gaze flicks over to the chain Zelda' still clutching. "Ah. I see you have found Solana."

At the mention of her name, the tiny fairy appears. "Hello, Lady Impa."

Zelda releases the chain. "You know about this?"

"An ancient Sheikah legend speaks of a fairy of the blue flame. That necklace is built of the same material as the furnaces Robbie and Purah protect. You will never be burned by it, but be careful not to flame go out. Solana cannot guide you then."

"I understand," Zelda bites her bottom lip. "So then, you knew of the unfinished shrine? Of Afra Tazua?"

"I learned of the monk somewhere in the 100-year-span that you were holding back the Calamity. He carries an important message."

"Well..." I repeat what the monk said.

Impa nods. "Vague. Interesting. That message is warning us about what is in that letter. Paya, what happened to the letter?"

Paya thinks a moment. "Master Kohga carries it on him everyone, sticking out of a side pocket. Even when he's napping."

"We need to get ahold of that letter..." Zelda frowns.

Paya immediately pales. "Do you want me to try and steal it?"

"What? No, of course not!" Zelda reaches over to her. "We'll think of a plan. Thanks to you, we already have some information."

"Perhaps it be best your reside in the village for now," Impa suggests. "We can work out a plan in the morning."

I nod and Zelda sighs. "This is a terrible tainting to our meeting."

"Even so," Impa smiles. "I am glad to see you, Princess Zelda."



I look up from my meal as Zelda sits next to me on the bed I just paid for at the inn. "Yes?"

"I..." she chews on her bottom lip, and I wait patiently as I know that is her sign of searching for words. "I'm fearful of this, Link. It seems that for over 100 years, despite our best efforts, the Calamity still threatens to wreck havoc on Hyrule."

I set down my fork and reach over, placing my hand over her's. "And we will overcome it, just like before. We are unstoppable, Zelda."

She stares at my hand, before placing her other hand over mine as well, returning the gesture. A tiny smile appears on her face. "I know we are."

I nod and she moves her hands back to her lap as I pick up my fork again. "'The Hero shall falter once more, and shall be saved by a golden light'. Zelda, that means whatever happens, its going to end up being you saving me ...again."

"That is what I am most fearful of. My powers have grown weak, Link. One-hundred years of holding back the Calamity was quite the strain."

"No matter what," I nod at her. "I will help you find a way."

She gives me a genuine smile and gets up to get her food.


The moon slips in just a sliver, through a crack in the curtains.

This sliver falls on Zelda, who is asleep in the bed next to me.

I will admit...I'm a bit worried. This vague monk, a fairy made of blue flame, Paya risking her life to spy on the Yiga...all this has turned very serious, very fast. 

Zelda's fingers are loosely curled around the pendant bearing the blue flame, the blue light spilling from the gaps between her fingers. She looks most peaceful when she is asleep. No matter what, I cannot worry her. I must figure this out as best I can. Fearful or not, I will protect her. With my life.


A/N: OMG its been a freaking year since I updated this book! I am seriously seriously sorry to have kept you guys waiting for so long! I'll make sure to update more frequently if I can! 

Thank you for reading my story and being so patient with me!

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