Part 1

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(A/N) skipping pikachu's backstory, I apologize to the people who enjoyed it as Y/N is not involved and skip some filler episodes such as episode 26 and the dreaded marshromp filler episode,which was episodes 41 or 42 i think)

~alarm clock ringing~

(Pikachu wakes up after the alarm clock rings)


(Pikachu then goes towards his trainer ash Ketchum and slaps him to wake him however)


(A tick mark appears on an annoyed Pikachu and he use thunderbolt on the sleeping trainer)


Next the door to his room open revealing none other than his mother Delia Ketchum

Delia: Ash Ketchum are you still asleep you'll be late getting to professor oak's lab

She come in and slaps his cheek and a sudden ruckus in the house is heard 


Delia: because you insisted you could get up on your own


Ash and Pikachu  are running towards professor oak's lab and we finally get there


Prof oak: oh it you ash 

Ash: what do you want to talk to me alright

Prof oak: a protege of mine just opened up a new research facility in vermilion city and I was hoping to in vermilion city and I was hoping invite to the opening ceremony. You will come won't you

Ash: sure! (to Pikachu) You'll come too right Pikachu (nods)

Delia: I'd love to 

Mimey: mime mime 

Ash: (turns around) Mom

Delia: (smiles) I came to deliver your lunch but a great idea all those delicious sweet shops and fashion boutiques in vermilion city 

Ash: (sweatdrops) hold on your not saying your coming with us 

Delia: (in the car) let go!!!!

Mimey: mime!!!


Ash: Diglett! Butterfree!

Prof oak: it seems your love of Pokemon hasn't changed young man tell me ash a Pokemon  master is that still your goal?

Ash: there's no doubt about it but now I'm going to be a Pokemon master with my buddy by my side 

Meanwhile with (Y/N)

(As we see he is now in vermilion city battle a trainer Pokemon who is raiticate while his Pokemon his garchomp)

Garchomp moveset: fire blast, dragon rage, rock tomb, shadow claw

Y/N: Garchomop use dragon rage 

Trainer: Raticate dodge it and quick attack

( Garchomp use dragon rage but Raticate dodge it and use quick attack on Garchomp who took the attack but show it did take no damage)

Y/N: Garchomp use shadow claw

Trainer: Raticate dodge it again 

( Raticate try to dodge it but Garchomp was to fast for Raticate then Garchomp use shadow claw on Raticate as it is unable to the battle)

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