Part 62

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Ash:A letter for me 

Goh:It says it's from Unova

Ash:From Unova

(We see Sirfetch'd swipe his leek sword freaking Ash out as the top of the envelope fall out of it being cut clearly)

Ash:Awesome thanks Sirfetch'd 

(Sirfetch'd opens his eyes and has a gleam in them)

Ash:(Opens the letter) Wow it's from Iris buddy

Y/N:(Widens his eyes) Wait did you say 

Goh:So you know her Y/N

Y/N:No but I wanted to meet her ever since I get news from Clair

Ash:She's a friend from when I travelled in Unova she's on a journey to become a dragon master it says she want official battle from me she recently entered the world coronation series and is already in the great class

Goh:That's great one on one against an old pal

Ash:Uh huh sounds fun hun Pikahcu

Y/N:I know who I'm going to bring today

(Timeskip:Opelucid city Unova region)

Goh:Go pokeball (He catches a Panpour and Pansear)

Goh Rotom phone:Panpur and Pansear have been registered to your Pokédex

Goh:Next time I want Pansage (Grookey makes noises and points as it sees someone in the trees)

Goh:Look alright then pokeball let's go

(He throws it as it hits the thing only for a feminine voice to say ow as we see it's a girl with purple hair)

Girl:That hurt

Goh:A human

Girl:Ow who's there

Goh:Please forgive me I was sure you were a Pokémon

Girl:Weeeellll I guess no one would expect a human to be up there (Realizes something) I overslept (Swings away) thanks for waking me up

Goh:Is she a Pokemon

(We see Ash and Y/N at a building as we see Pikachu and Pawniard are with them)

Ash:We haven't seen the opelucid gym in forever hm Awex

(Sees an Awex waking about)

Ash:(Looks around frantically) Maybe it's Iris Awex

Drayden:Oh welcome young Ash

Ash:Is that Iris Awex

Drayden:No this little one happen to be my partner Iris should be waiting for you inside

Y/N:Is this the same Iris Clair talked about she said she had a battle with her and a Dragonite against her shiny Druddigon

(Drayden nods)

Ash:Thank you so much for lending us your gym

Goh:Ash Y/N

(Ash's phone rings)

Ash Rotom phone:Offical battle requested

Ash:Oh this must be it

Drayden:Iris seems ready

(Ash rushes into the gym)

Ash:Hey Iris

(They reach a room in pitch black)

Ash:What's this

(Y/N, Goh, and Drayden arrive as something flies by as electricity sparks from it's cheeks as we see it's an Emolga)

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