Part 31

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(We see Chole and Yamper walking until her phone starts ringing)

Chole:Hello oh hi there Parker

Parker:Uh Chole listen


(Timeskip:At Cerise park)

Ash:I don't see Sobble where is it

Goh:I know it's got to be around here somewhere

Ash:You're right it's sometimes hard to find

Y/N:I know right

(Suddenly water splashes next to them as something jumped in as Yamper's ears detect some noise and runs off and it's revealed to be Chole)

Chole:Hi Yamper (She looks around unimpressed) there's even more of them now

Goh:Just wait there's more tons of Pokémon in the world and I'm gonna catch them all

Chole:(Bored, unimpressed, and unenthusiastic) Oh yay hey Goh listen I got call from Parker and one of his friends seems to having trouble with something can you come with me little but

Goh:Parker's friends (Looks at Y/N and Ash)


Y/N:Now I'm intrigued 

(In town the quartet ware walking to the destination of the conflict)

Chole:He said one of his friends has brought  her favorite Pokémon along with her but somehow it turned into a big argument of some kind

Ash:An argument 

Y/N:What kind of argument

Chole:Something about the Pokémon whether the Pokémon is cute or not

Goh:I don't get it

Y/N:I don't get it either all Pokémon are incredible they also have their own unique charm no matter what species of Pokémon it is

Chole:Me neither that's why I thought maybe you could help them up just a little bit

Goh:Sure when it comes to Pokémon

Y/N/Goh/Ash:We're the go to guys


Boy 1:I told you that Pokémon was strange looking

Girl 1:You're wrong Feeby is cute Pokémon

Girl 2:Uh no it isn't

Girl 3:Uh huh

Girl 1:It is cute

Parker:Hey Chole cool you brought Y/N, Ash, and Goh too

Chole:The friend you told me about is that her

(Look over to see a girl holding a Pokémon)

Parker:Yeah her name is Jinny

(Look to see the Pokémon is a Feebas)

Goh:Hey that's a


Y/N:(Star eyed) So cool

Goh rotom phone:Feebas the fish Pokémon a water type called the shabbiest Pokémon in the world Feebas tend to school in large numbers at the bottom of the rivers that are filled with aquatic plants 

Goh:Yeha that makes sense

Boy 2:Come on tell the truth don't you agree this Pokémon just looks plain weird

Jinny:Well Parker

Parker:Uhh it's just 

(Looks at Feebas)

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