Part 65

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(We cut to see Ash, Goh, and a gloomy Y/N)

Y/N:I still can't find Pawnaird

Ash:Look it's over there

Goh:Wow oak laboratory 

(Y/N just sighs)

Goh:Cheer up Y/N

Ash:Yeah you're gonna see your old Pokémon again

Goh:And you can introduce us

Y/N:(Cheers up a lot and is excited) Okay

Oak:Hey (Oak is waving his arm)

Goh:Professor Oak

Ash:Race you

Goh:Wait up

(Goh and Y/N chase after Ash)


Oak:It's been a long time have you been well



Oak:Goh I don't hunk I've seen you since Professor Cerise first opened his lab

Goh:You're right and back then we didn't have much time to talk oh here you go it's the report professor Cerise wanted me to give you

Ash:Hey is this is your first time here Goh

Goh:Oh no I came here for Pokemon camp when I was six I remember some guy wasn't on time and kept us waiting forever

Ash:That's the worst I bet that guy  he must have overslept ya know wait hold on he was six years old and overslept 

Oak:(Laughs) I wonder if the guy you're speaking about is Ash

Goh:Back then when I was at Pokemon camp I came across Mew that's when I found my dream

Oak:Oh what kind of dream

Goh:Since I want to met Mew again and Mew has the DNA of every Pokemon my dream is to catch every kind of Pokemon

Oak:(Nods) That's a fine dream now how many Pokémon have you caught so far

Goh:Here take a look (Hands him the Pokédex on his Rotom phone)

Oak:(Looks through) amazing that's quite a number he's might catching up to you Y/N

Y/N:I know

Oak:What Suicune huh

Goh:Right I caught it 


(Oak remembers something)

Oak:Say Goh have you heard of this it's called project Mew

Ash:Project Mew

Goh:What's that

Y/N:Sounds right up your alley Goh

Oak:(Nods) They decided to out together a team investigating Mew their currently looking for new members however to become a member you will be sent out on several trial missions


Y/N:Like trials in alola

Oak:No something different but good guess what do you think if you want to join I can submit your name

Goh:(Thanks about it initially) Thank you Professor but I'll pass


Ash:Why turn it down

Goh:I've never been much a team player and I'm not the type who likes going on missions created by other people

Oak:Well I think it would be a chance to meet people who share the same dream as you but I won't try change your mind

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