Part 34

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(Timeskip:Saffron city)

(We see Riolu fighting a Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee)

Karate guy:Hm... good movements

Ash:I know right it's feels like we're on a roll and we keep gonna win everything 

Karate guy:Remember you're in a fighting dojo I wouldn't talk to big there isn't a strategy in this world that could beat our dojo master

Ash:Can I battle the karate master

Karate guy:He's battling right now in face he's just accepted a new challenger 

(Ash groans)

Karate guy:But there battle should be over soon the karate master is unbeatable

(We sees rows of Hitmonchan throwing punches into the air and Hitmonlee practice it their kicks as Y/N and Goh watch in the side)

Y/N:It sucks I have no fighting types on my current roster of Pokémon

Y/N thoughts:Though I could bring Marshadow with me since it is a fighting type but I also didn't want people see me battle with a mythical Pokémon at a dojo and beside it would have get boring if it was fight Pokémon at are not at it level since it is at champion level but with a more bit of training it could possibly reach at some level with Dragonite and Garchomp

Goh:How are you going to take part in battles

Y/N:Well since we're at the fighting type dojo I felt commpelled it bring a fighting type so I've brought 

(Ash rushes over)

Ash:Hey Goh Y/N let's go watch the battle


Karate guy:(To Goh) You still can't decide 

(Goh inspects his Pokédex)

Ash:Hey Goh

Goh:Oh hey Ash

Ash:Sill can't decide between Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan right

Goh:Hmm do I go for Hitmonchan with it's razor sharp punches or Hitmonlee with it's incredibly powerful kicks do I have to decide on only one

Karate guy:Yeah that's the rule Goh the fighting dojo can give you neither Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan but we can't give you both you must choose one

Goh:What would you do for Y/N

Y/N:Personally I wouldn't go for either but if I had to choose I wouldn't be sure myself so I'm not taking part of it

Goh:Well that was waste of time (Thinks of an idea) I know Ash how about we each chooses one and afterwards you can trade me yours for one of my other Pokemon


Ash's rotom phone:There is a Pokémon world coronation series trainer nearby

Karate guy:That would have to be the challenger battling the master

Ash:I want to see

(Ash rushes over to the dojo door) 

Ash:Here we go I challenge 

(He is interrupted as a Hitmonchan is sent crashing though the door and hits Ash knocking him over)

Goh:Ash are you alright a Hitmonchan 

(The now opened door we see a girl and new Pokémon as the karate master is in defeat as Goh Sobble beings sweat and is scared and disappear while Y/N Sobble is holding him from escaping knowing where he is and comforting him)

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