Part 67

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(We start out at Team rocket's hideout)

Jessie:(Opens something for food to find nothing) Oh no it's gone vanished the cake I was saving is gone

Meowth:My snacks are history too

Jessie:I guarantee it's you know who

James:I hid mine in a place that's 100% burglar proof (Walks over to see a destroyed safe) it can't be

(Checks in it and screams as he see Hangry mode Morpeko as it stops closer they freak out and get back)

Jessie:Eat as much as you like

Meowth:For a happy tummy

James:There's plenty more where that came from

(Hangry mode Morpeko chows down on the food while looking at them as Team rocket huddle)

Meowth:It packs food away like it's going out of style

James:No matter what we save for a rainy day Morpeko devours it whole rain or shine

Jessie:Our Team rocket roles are now nothing more than short ordered cooks how did that bottomless pit get here

James:I have no idea it just appeared

Meowth:If ya just catch it it'd be serving us by now

Jessie:Like that's gonna happen it doesn't serve it gets served by us (Flashback to all the times Morpeko has eaten their food supply)

(Morpeko finishes eating and turns back into full belly mode)

Jessie:Hold on since we haven't actually caught it

Meowth:Finish that thought 

Jessie:We'll just return it back to the wild


(Outside we see James and Morpeko as James has been tasked with getting rid of it)

James:Why is it always me

(Morpeko speaks to him as James looks at it before looking straight ahead again)

James:Oh it's nothing

James thoughts:What do I do

(Morpeko goes into it's pouch pockets and pulls out some food and offers it to James)

James:What for me are you sure

(Morpeko nods)

James:The only time it's cute is when it's full (Takes it and eat it) that's yummy

(Morpeko pulls food from it's pockets and electricity sparks from his cheeks and it cooks the food and eats it)

James:That's how you make them taste so good (Gets up as they continue walking as Morpeko is eating food and dropping some leaving a trail)

James:Just keep going like that (Morpeko continues walking as James hides behind a tree)

James:(Peeks from the tree) Is it gone (Sees no Morpeko) success

(However he turns back around to take a breathe and relax and sits down against the tree to only see Morpeko in front of him as it offers more good) I've certainly had my fill of these but I don't mind if I do

(We cut to them walking in town)

James:Think James think

(Morpeko feels into it is pockets to reveal it has no more food as it turns into hangry mode)

James:Empty again

(James looks around frantically as he sees a stall selling food)

James:There (Rushes over) give me all you have and a few extra 

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