Part 21

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A/N:This is my own episode and is not apart of the anime plus this is going to be one of the few opportunities Y/N gets have a sort mini catching spree like Goh does another pre warning apologize in but it's mainly going to be Kanto Pokémon and I want to apologize in advance)

(One day at Cerise laboratory we see Y/N chilling with his Pokémon eggs and making they are okay along with Porygon, Nickit, Raboot, Thwacky, Maractus, Drednaw, and Gossifluer, all of them shake alot)

Y/N:I know I'll do what Ash did take all of you out for an adventure to give you all that last push and to give you a small dance of scenery 

Y/ N:Professor Cerise, Chrysa, Ren I'm going to wander with all my three eggs I be back

Cerise:Why are you taking all three of the with you

Y/N:Well all three of them are close to hatching so I'll try to hatch all three of them plus it give me some free time since Ash and Goh decided to go an adventure and to getting some training for Riolu so I'm going to have a quick travel to Fuschia  city again plus there is something I want to try there

Cerise:Alright have a safe trip

Y/N:You six can be my back up today right then off we go

(Timeskip:Fushica City)

Y/N:There was a long track don't you say

(The eggs are shaking more but still not enough to hatch)

Y/N:(Saddened) I guess that wasn't enough I know let's go in the Safari zone

(Suddenly two of the eggs being glow and crack as a shiny Jirachi hatches from the egg)

Y/N:Oh hey Jirachi long time no see buddy so you finally I miss you so much ever since at accident at I have to save you from at bad guy at was after you

(Jirachi looks around and lays eyes on Y/N and tackled him cause him to drop the other egg but Mew use physic and put it back to where it was)

Y/N:Jirachi stop please I'm happy to see you 

(Jirachi stops and letting of Y/N as it flys around him happy to see it old friend after become a Pokémon egg as it then see Y/N with a pokeball in his hand as he holding it out to it)

Y/N:So Jirachi do you want to be my friend and join me 

(Jirachi shakes it heads no)

Y/N:You still want me to prove myself after I save you

(Jirachi nods)

Y/N:Alright deal

(Timeskip:Inside the Safari zone)

(The second egg is flowing and cracking)

Y/N:I wonder who is it going to be-

(Y/N is caught off guard before he could finished as the egg breaks and the blue glowing outlined as we see it is a shiny Hoppa)

Y/N:(Clam down and Star-eyed) Wow Hoppa it you remember me and are you alright 

(Hoppa look back and smiles at Y/N happy to see him but it flies off into the Safari zone)

Y/N:Hoppa wait come back I forget Hoppa would try to make hard for me to catch it after we met 

 (They enter the Safari zone)

(Timeskip:Within the Safari zone)

Y/N:We've only here for a little bit there's usually lots of Pokémon within sight of so anyway where's Hoppa it's just hatched even if it is a powerful Pokémon it won't know what to do

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