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The Doctor's POV
Well that was a new one to add the the book, I have just regenerated into a woman but sadly not ginger. Then all of sudden the TARDIS blew up and kicked me out and trust me I will be having words with her once I find her, leaving me falling threw the cold stary sky falling. Falling. Falling. Until I saw some city lights, then buildings, trees, then. Oh no. A train track. Well Doctor brace yourself for a hard landing. Suddenly I heard a train honk. Well great! Just great.
I falling down. Down. Down. I squeezed my eyes shut.
I feel the sudden impact of the train roof and expecting to hit the floor but nothing. Nothing. I don't dare to open my eyes.
"Oh my gosh." Said a warm voice.
"Oh my days." Another voice said different to the first one.
"Is she okay." Another worried voice said.
"Yes Graham she's perfectly fine she just crashed from the Fricking train roof of course she is okay." The first voice said so the last voice belonged to a man named Graham.
"We need to get her to a hospital now." Said a voice who knew what they were doing. I felt myself freeze. I couldn't let myself into a hospital. No one would believe me which will probably end me up into a physic hospital.
"No. No. Hospital." I let out a murmur.
"Miss are you sure. You had just crashed from the roof of this train." Said the first voice again. I was way too tried to let out not even a murmur so I just nodded my head.
"I can take her back to my house. You lot with me." Said the voice again.
I felt increasing more dizzier and my head started to throb. I felt myself shift in and out of consciousness until finally I fell fast asleep.

Yaz's POV:
I have just caught a woman with short blonde hair, ripped up black suit which was way to long for her. This was not how I thought my Sunday evening was going to go. I carried her of the train and rushed her into my police car.
"Ryan drive. I am gonna look after her." I told him and he got straight in the car and started in up. Graham got into the passenger seat and Grace in the back with me since she was a nurse.
"So is she going to be okay?" I asked the nurse.
She let out a kind smile. "Yes Yaz she will be just fine all she needs is some rest and a bit of ibuprofen." She said and I let out a sigh of relief. I started stroking her soft blonde locks. I could help but stare at her beautiful soft pink lips. How could a person look this beautiful. Finally we arrived at my flats and Graham, Ryan and Grace agreed to keep in touch of the woman and headed home. I carried the small poor woman up the stairs and into my flat and rushed her into my room and placed her down gently on my bed. The woman who ever she was, was ice cold. I placed my duvet over her and tucked her in and rushed to my wardrobe to grab my warm gray blanket. She looked so peaceful. I got her a cup of water and two ibuprofen's and sat down on my purple sofa and waited for her to wake up.

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