Reunited part 1

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Yaz's POV
I woke up to the same old morning rain of Sheffield, I pushed my messy greasy hair out of my face and checked my phone. July 1st 2020. Six whole months without the Doctor. She said her goodbyes to us on Gallifrey. There was no other way that she was going to let anyone detonate the final bomb nor let anyone come with her I wanted to be by her side so badly and now she's gone. Gone forever the ways things are looking now. Surviving through lockdown was hard. Couldn't do any investigation on if she could be alive or not, I couldn't sit in the Tardis that she gave us to cry for hours in. A message pinged up on my phone. It was Graham. I read the message. "Hey Yaz how are you holding up today? Just a reminder that today is the special day for her." I finished reading the message and decided to take that most needed shower. My outfit was already laid out a simple black dress, black leather jacket, black socks and some black boots with rainbow laces. I finished my shower and got dressed. I walked out of my room and waved bye to my mum before I made my way down to Graham's.

Graham's POV:
I was just finishing getting the advent finished when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it to see Yaz already tear's dripping down her face she was soaked from the rain. "Hello cockle." I said letting her inside and out of the rain. "Hi." She said biting her lip so she could get more in control of herself. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I pulled her into a side hug but knowing full well if the Doctor was here she would know full well a way to cheer Yaz up. The Doctor isn't here anymore not her fault though. That psycho lunatic caused all of this pain. "Graham she died not knowing that she loved."Yaz cried as Ryan came into the room and hugged her too. "No I think she knew full well that she was loved. Have you seen the way she looked at you Yaz. Heart in eyes let me tell you. Grace said to me once that's how I looked at her." I said smiling sadly at the pain of losing my wife. "Oh Graham I was so stupid." Yaz cried. "No you weren't Yaz." Ryan butted in.
He gave her a sympathetic smile. "How about we let go of those balloons." He said getting up and Yaz gave him a small nod and we all got off the sofa and walked into the garden.

Yaz's POV
In the Graham's near garden was a collection of rainbow, yellow and Tardis blue balloons tied together with a large white bow. "It's beautiful. She would of loved it." I said sniffing back more tears. I gave Ryan and Graham another hug. "Thank you." I whispered. "Your welcome cockle." Graham said. Together we let the bundle of balloons fly into the sky it was so beautiful and fresh tears began to roll down my cheeks and I wiped them away the best I could.
"Why are you crying?" A familiar voice filled my ears. No way. Is it who I think it. Yes it's was familiar but it was also shaky, scared and broken. I turned around to see the Doctor in Graham's front doorway. She was in a bad state. Her head was bruised and she had a small cut underneath her eyebrow, her wrists were red and swollen and she had a slight limp to her. "Hiya Fam." She croaked out before she flopped against the brick wall of the house.

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