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Yaz's POV
I woke up suddenly to the sound of loud screams and crying coming from somewhere in the Tardis. Not too long ago we waved goodbye to Ryan and Graham since they quit traveling round in the Tardis, the Doctor looked so hurt by this but didn't really say anything and went to her room since it was late anyways. I ran out of my room my heart beating fast. I followed the sound throughout the Tardis. "Come on you. Help me find this noise." I asked her and a path lit up and I followed it to reach a door with rainbows on it. I felt my heartbreak. The screaming and crying was coming from the Doctor. I opened the door to see the Doctor shaking, tears running down her face her eyes were still close which told me whatever nightmare she was experiencing hadn't finished. She let  occasional scream here and there. I ran over to the four poster bed and climbed in and pulled the Doctor into my arms. "It's okay. It's okay Doctor I got you." I whispered to not scare her when did decide to open her eyes.

Doctor's POV:
My eyes opened, I was back on Gallifrey. Stuck in the Matrix I saw the Master approaching me. "Brace yourself. This is going to hurt." He said in clench teeth. He was right. I didn't brace myself enough for the blow that was about to happen. I am the reason the timelords exist in the first place all because of this woman who is quote on quote my mother called Tecteun. I saw parts of my own hidden life. It was horrible. I was tortured. That's all I was. An experiment. A lab rat. Is that what people see me as? Next thing I see is my fam all in the paralysis field surrounded them. "Help us Doctor.." Yaz whispered. I couldn't do anything. I felt useless. "Let them go!" I yelled. The Master chuckled. "Do you really think I will let you and your little pets go so easily. Your a broken mess Doctor. Because of me. Say goodbye to your poor little pets as I let the whole force of the Matrix take control of them." The Master said coldly and with a snap of his fingers they were gone. "NO! NO! NO." I screamed. Tears ran down my face. Then suddenly I was free. I squeezed my eyes tight shut praying to get out of this nightmare. I slowly reopen the to reveal. I am stuck in that prison again. I look around and I see Yaz. "Yaz!" I ran over to her and hugged her but quickly let go when I realised she wasn't hugging back. She pushed me back making me fall to the floor. "No one is coming Doctor. Remember that. You don't even know who the hell you are pathetic. You are nothing but a lab rat." Her words echoed inside my head running around and around and around. I let out and cry. Suddenly the prison it's gone and I am back inside my Tardis. I see Ryan, Graham and Yaz look at me so angry and coldly. "YOU KILLED MY WIFE!" Graham yelled at me. Tears started running down my face again. "YOU NEARLY KILLED ONE OF MY FRIEND'S" Ryan screamed at me. Now it was Yaz's turn to scream at me. "YOU LEFT ME FOR 10 MONTHS!" She screamed. I fell to my knees as I sobbed. "Goodbye. The most horrible person in the whole universe." Yaz said coldly as she followed Ryan and Graham out of the Tardis. Leaving me alone. Again. I cried and cried. Suddenly I felt a warm voice coming out like the sun shining breaking from the storm clouds. I my eyes flung open. I was in my room and Yaz was hugging me. I felt my whole body shake, my hearts were pounding. "It's okay Doctor I am here." Yaz said warmly running her hand through my newly washed hair. "Yaz." I said my voice was raw from my excessive crying and screaming. She looked down at me. "Yeah." She said still keeping me in her hold. "I woke you up didn't I?" I said feeling a guilt rising for waking up Yaz. She slowly nodded her head. "I am sorry." I said before I felt her hand whipped away some of my tears that were stuck on my face. "It's okay. I don't mind. As long as your okay." She said. I few minutes go of silence. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked and I quickly shook my head. "Okay. That's okay. I am not going to force you but if you want to talk about anything else then you can talk to me." Yaz said warmly and with a smile. "Thanks Yaz." I said snuggling up to her chest listening to the sound of her heart beating. It was like a lullaby. "Let's get some more sleep. You look like you need some. Good proper sleep." She said and I nodded and laid back down on the bed. I looked as I saw Yaz get up. I rapped my hand around her wrist. "Stay. Please." I looked up at her with some puppy eyes. "Of course I will stay." She said getting into bed and rapping her arms around my waist and pulling the duvet and blanket over us. I felt sleepy again and pressed my head against Yaz's chest listening again to the beautiful sound of her hears. I felt her gently press a kiss against my hair and I fell into a sleep and this time no nightmares.

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