See you again.

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Yaz's POV
It's been a year since the Doctor had left me for good. Well looking like that for sure and the past few weeks had really hit me that I had lost the most important woman in the whole entire universe and I can't do nothing to fix it and bring her back like the past two times. This is regeneration we're talking about here. I sat in my bed rewatching the two holograms that she had left me. All I wanted was to tell her everything which I failed to do. I laid  in my bed looking up at the starry ceiling, I couldn't sleep all I could was think about her. Suddenly a familiar orange glow appeared. "Yasmin Khan." It whispered. I looked over to face the holo-Doctor. "What?" I said bluntly. "Why aren't you asleep?" It questioned. "Too much on my mind." It said bluntly again. The holo-Doctor moved from the corner of my room to my bedside. I turned over so that the hologram could see my face. Her face looked at my messy hair and the tear stained eyes. "Why- why are you crying." It asked looking sad itself. "Just the pain of today, the last time I saw proper you. Real you. I miss you a lot." I whispered my voice on the edge of tears again. The hologram knelt down and gently stroked my hair. "Oh Yaz. I so sorry." She whispered. I blinked back tears. "It's not your fault Doctor. It's never been your fault." I whispered. She gave me a sad smile then it's turned happier and happier by the second. "Look outside Yaz." It said. I looked at the hologram confused. "What?" I questioned. "Just look outside Yaz." The hologram said again. I got out of bed and silently and quickly ran out of my flat and shut the front door and ran down the stairs. Right in the middle of the road was the Tardis. "What's that doing here?" I asked myself before I heard the doors open with their familiar creak. My mouth opened. There in the doorway was my Doctor. "Hello Yasmin Khan." She said letting me know that she was actually there. "DOCTOR!" I yelled and ran to her giving her the biggest hug ever. "I missed you so much. There is so much I need to tell you." I said quickly with tears of happiness ran down my face. "Me too Yaz. Me too." She sniffled as we finally let go of one another. "I know that we couldn't have the entire universe but when we were back at Umbreen's I met it. We couldn't have a universe without Yaz because here's the thing Yaz. I...I love you and I always have. I am sorry I didn't say anything in the time that we had together..." I let out a smile as I pressed my finger to her lips to stop her rambling. "I love you too big head." I smiled and she cupped my cheeks. "Is this okay?" She asked concerned. "It's lovey just shut up and kiss me." I said and she did just that. Fireworks exploded in my mouth with the taste of vanilla hitting my mouth. My hands play with her soft beautiful hair while her hands stay firmly on my cheeks. We pull apart sometime after and rest our foreheads against each other. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear revealing the beautiful dainty earring.

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