Ice cream

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Yaz's POV:
After the past few days advents with the whole situation with the Master, Cybermen and Daleks. I could sort of relax. I had dropped everyone in Croydon . I looked down to the poor woman on the floor before Graham left he helped me put a pillow under the Doctor's head so she wasn't laying her head on something hard. I fiddled around with the tardis. I head a groan come from her and I let a sound of relief. "Come on Doctor. Please say your waking up." I whispered to myself. "Did we do it?" A small voice said. It was her. "Yeah we did. Well you did it." I replied and she let out a chuckle before slowing pushing herself up and sitting up. "Where are the others." She asked. "I dropped them of in Croydon." I said. She looked at me with a proud smile on her face. "Did ya? That's clever." She said getting up of the floor and stumbling over to me suddenly the cloyster bells started to go off. "Why are the cloyster bells going off?" She asked confused. I looked down at her golden glowing hand. I felt the tears coming again. "Doctor..your hand." I said in a voice which was bearly louder than a whisper. Her hazel eyes diverged down to her hand and two tears fell down her face and suddenly her face. "No this can't be right. I need more time. I WANT MORE TIME" She said in a harsh tone. Tears rolled down my cheeks like a car window on a rainy day. Her eyes moved of her hand to my face. "Yaz.. you know what this means right." She asked and I all I could do is nod my head. More tears fell from my eyes. "Hey it's okay. It's okay Yaz." She said softly and slowly moved her hand to my cheeks and gently wiped the tears away. "One last trip. Where will you choose and what flavour of ice cream." She said letting out a smile that I haven't seen in such a long time. I helped the Doctor over to the console panel and we set the coordinates and got our ice cream I went for vanilla while the Doctor went for a cookie dough ice cream. Soon enough we were eating ice cream laughing at the memories that we had made over the years with Ryan, Graham and Dan. I looked down sadly and then it haunted me these are the final moments with my Doctor. I look over to her happily eating her ice cream. "I don't want it to end." I whispered then she looked at me. "I know. I don't want it to end either. A wise person once said to me. "Goodbyes hurt because what came before was so special." She said looking up in at the stars trying her hardest not cry. "But Yaz, before this ends I wanted to let you know that I love you I have always had and always forever love you and I will always be her for you in your heart." She said so beautifully. I looked up at her. "I love you too. Doctor." I said before she placed her ice cream down and gently placed her hands on my cheeks and pull me in for a kiss. I moved my hands to the back of her head gently playing with her soft blonde hair. After a few moments we pulled away and gently pressed our forehead against each other smiling like idiots.

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