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At age 16, Samatha found herself in purgatory. No, not just figurative purgatory but actual purgatory. An island named "Lian Yu" which means in Mandarin "purgatory." Ironic isn't it?

Having been captured by Dr. Anthony Ivo, she met her future best friend, Sara Lance. What they didn't know at the time is that they would be going on the journey of a lifetime. Solidifying a title as legends.

While the path ahead has its ups and downs, one thing stayed true. Blue jay and Canary would always be birds of a feather.


Samantha Miller grew up in Central City. Her father, George Miller worked as a mechanic and her mother, Cathrine Miller worked as a scientist at Star Labs.

While other kids her age were playing games and reading books, Samantha found her interest in archery and martial arts.

A day after her 16th birthday, her mother had a business trip to Star City. So, her and her family took this opportunity for a family vacation.

When they entered the city, their car was stopped. A man walked up to the window and told her parents to handover all their valuables. When they didn't obey, they were both forced out of the car. Her father told her to run so she did. The man tried to shoot her but the bullet just grazed her arm. When she made it to an alley she hid in the shadows and peeked back to her parents. Right at that moment the man fired his gun, killing both her parents.

After the death of her parents, she was left to defend herself in the streets of Star City. That is until a man named Anthony Ivo finds her and tells her that he can save her. When she refuses to go with him, his guards take her and force her onto the Amazo. That's when she's thrown into cage and kept prisoner.

A few days later she was joined by a blonde in a robe.

Samantha's POV

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask.

"No. Where am I? Who are you? Why are we locked up?" The blonde asks with a breaking voice, shivering.

"This is the Amazo. I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam. And we're locked up because we're prisoners." I explain.

She sits down on her mat and looks over to me.

"I'm Sara." She mumbles with a sniffle.

We sit there for a moment before she asks another question.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding."

"Oh. I must not have felt it when I was running."

I grab my sleeve and roll it up, wincing at the pain.

"How did it happen?" She asks.

My eyes start to water and I bring my knees to my chest and bury my head in my knees.

"This..this group of people jumped our car. And they..they ki-killed my parents. And when I was running away they shot at me." I say with a broken voice.

I feel her hand place itself on my back slowly.

"Oh my god. That's horrible. I'm so sorry." She says.

I pick my head up and lean it against the bars. I look over at her and she seems to be worried, confused, scared, and shocked. She eventually lays down on her "mat" and falls asleep. I stay sitting up, staying alert just incase of unwanted visitors.

Over the next couple of days the only thing keeping us sane is each other. But everything changed one day. I had dozed off for a minute and when I came to, Sara was being dragged away by guards.

"No, no, please, no." She begs.

I quickly get up and rush the the bars of my cell.

"Hey! Leave her alone." I yell at them.

"The more you struggle, the more it'll hurt." A guard says.

The guard continue to walk towards a door before a voice stops them.

"Wait. Let her go." Ivo says.

"You don't give me orders." The guard says.

"No, that would be the captain. But he works for me. Doesn't he?" Ivo smugly says.

The guard throws Sara into Ivo and he holds her closely.

"Come on." He says to her turning around and heading to the door.

"Ivo, let her go! Sara!" I yell.

And that's the last of Sara I saw for a while. But the next time I saw her, she wasn't the same girl I met. Neither of us were. Time really does change people. For better and for worse.

A/N hey guys! So I know Dc Legends was cancelled 😭 but I really wanted to do a book with my own characters in it. So here's a backstory of how our birds of a feather met. Hope you enjoyed. Leave comments, questions, and tips down below.
Later Gators 🐊 ✌️

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