The Beginning...

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"This feels good being back in the field. Not that this is a field, but..." Ray says.

"Ray, are you up for this? Should I call Sam?" Oliver asks over comms.

"Uh, too late to turn back now. And anyways Sam is busy across town. Huh, someone removed the central processing unit." Ray says.

"Are you sure?" Oliver asks.

"I designed the computer's CPU, so, yeah, pretty sure." Ray confirms.

"Well, HIVE would only remove it if they knew..." Oliver starts.

"You had me shrink down and fly into their secret computer lab? My night's about to get a whole lot worse, isn't it?" Ray finishes.

Oliver looks over at the security monitor and notices a group of guards with guns approaching the computer Ray is in.

"Oh, you can take them. They have guns. You have a super-suit. It's time to start growing." Oliver says.

He looks over to the other monitor upon hearing a ringing noise. A bluebird icon comes up.

"Ray, Sam's calling. Are you all set?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah." Ray responds.

Oliver closes the comms with Ray and answers Sam's call.

Sam's POV

I'm crouching on the ledge of the building in my suit on patrol when I called Oliver for our nightly patrol check-in.

"Sam, how's patrol going?" Oliver asks.

"Well if you count catching a group of HIVE soldiers as good than good." I respond.

"How'd that go?" He asks.

"Got a couple of scraps and bruises but nothing life ending. You should see the other guys. Actually you should see them on the news right now." I tell him.

"That's great. Felicity is going to want to take a look at those cuts and bruises when you get back though." Oliver chuckles.

"Ugh, she's such a mom. Oh, Ollie I got to go. I've been following this HIVE informant and he just left the warehouse." I say before hanging up.

I look down at the informant. He looks over his shoulder and continues to walk. I shoot my zip line arrow down onto a cargo crate.

I zip down the line and he hears and starts to run. I jump down off the rope and onto the cargo crate. I roll into a run, chasing after him. I jump to the next crate and when I look down he's gone. I slow down and jump down the the ground. Raising my bow, I surveil the area. The crunch of gravel catches my attention and I turn my bow and my head in that direction. A man in a brown trench coat stands in front of me.

"Who are you?" I say with my voice modulator.

"There's really not need for that, Ms. Miller." The man says.

"How do you know who I am?" I say stepping closer.

"I know lots about you Ms. Miller but right now really isn't the time for chatter." He says before a blinding light knocks me out cold.

I wake up with a groan grabbing my head and sitting up. I look around and start to recognize some faces.

"Ray?" I say him catching my attention first.

"Sam?" He says just as confused.

I look to my right farther down the line and notice a familiar blonde.

"Sara?" I call out.

"Sam?" She says looking over to me.

We both stand up fast and run over into each other's arms.

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