Chapter 1

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"That is such an evil thing to become, you should pray fervently for forgiveness and hope the heavens shine it's brightest light down on a sinner like yourself"

Here we go again__

Jungkook groans awake from his slumber, the insistent sounds of numerous footsteps echoing around the apartment complex, made it even harder for him to shut his eyes for another second. Succumbing to nature, he finally props himself up to a sitting position on his small rickety bed, after tossing about for what seemed like forever.

Eventually standing up to his feet, he sluggishly drags his unwilling body out of his bedroom, heading towards a compact looking kitchen that was adjoined to a living space of about the same size. It was pretty much understandable as to why he dwelled in such a place, considering just how young he was and how little he earned from his part time job at the retirement home.

Despite all of the unpleasant side effects there was to his life, Jungkook was still a happy gent irregardless. He had learned to be strong and fend for himself since he was practically a child, perks of unfortunately having been born into a messed up family and raised in the midst of people who lacked the ability to show love, care and basic human compassion. As a kid, he was neglected by his parents all the time, and that pretty much led to him becoming a person who detested attention just as much as he lacked it. Jungkook also strongly believed the people who groveled for acceptance like dogs at the feet of their parents or various partners, were really just weak fools, who had the faintest ideas of how cruel the world is.

"The king finally decides to grace me with his presence i see__" a feminine voice says, trying to get into a more comfortable position on the couch. "Damn, my entire body hurts so bad, I barely got a proper night sleep on this shitty excuse of a furniture you've got. How much longer do you plan on continuing to live like this Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook snorted, accompanied by an obvious eye roll, "I don't remember inviting you over Jeon Najung. You're here on your own accord and you might as well leave whenever you deem fit ma'am"

Jeon Najung, a promising young girl in her teens, endowed with long healthy strands of blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes, scoffed out in disbelief while glaring at her brother. "You're so damn lucky you're older than I am, because if you weren't, I swear to God I'd beat the shit outta you"

"Well, now you can't, so get a grip" Jungkook countered, walking towards the pantry in order to fill up the coffee kettle.

"I think you have a new neighbor by the way" Najung informs, now steering the conversation in a new direction. "They've been moving in a shit ton of things since the break of dawn, very pretty and fancy things too. If I were you, I'd get to know whoever they are and even become friends with them, who knows, maybe they might end up lending you some new furnitures too" she added the last part with a hint of humor in her tone.

"Haha, very funny" Jungkook teased. "I guess that very much explains all the noise from earlier. But, whoever it is had better be very quite, I fucking dislike chatty and nosy fuckers" He spat, leaning against the counter top while awaiting the whistling sound from the kettle.

Najung broke out in a fit of giggles, rising up to her feet in time and walking towards Jungkook. "You're very rude do you know that? It makes me often wonder how anybody in their right senses will ever get close to you"

"Close to me?" Jungkook interrupts with a scowl on his face, acting like the word was such a forbidden term, almost like something he'd never heard of in his entire life until now. "Don't hold your breath on that cupcake, you may not live long enough to actually see that happen" he bit back. And just then the kettle whistles, ugh finally.

"Suit yourself, thor" Najung shrugged her petite shoulders, before reaching for her wallet to pull out a few banknotes, which she then slides over the smooth counter top towards Jungkook. "Here, take this"

"What?" Jungkook's head tilts in disinterest "I don't need this Najung" he rebutted.

"I know you don't, but I'm asking you to take it, and you don't really seem to have much of a choice here" Najung frowns, tucking her wallet back into the pocket of her skinny jeans.

"I'm older than you are, I should be the one doing this, not the other way around. Moreover, if mom and dad ever finds out about this, I'll become more of a disappointment to them than I already am"

With her lips thinned into a straight line, Najung kept her brother mute for a short while, before she eventually says. "You've never cared about what our parents think of you, why are you suddenly growing soft now?"

"I'm not" Jungkook shook his head, rather adamantly, taking a sip from his coffee. "I'm really not, I just don't want them raining more insults on me for extorting money from their perfect little angel. I've grown so sick of that shit by now and you know it"

"Hmm hmm" Najung nodded knowingly, of course she knew and was familiar with every single thing taking place within her dysfunctional family. Although she was still yet to comprehend the reason for the underlying discord between her brother and her parents, because with her, they were really nice, in-fact they were the perfect parents to her. But whenever it came to Jungkook, all hell was often let loose in the Jeon household. It was extremely tiring at this point, but no one dared spoke a word about it.

"Nobody is raining insults on you because they do not need to know I visit you, neither do they need to know I spare you my pocket money sometimes, so please take it. Moreover, you look like you could use an haircut, you're looking like some homeless dude"

Squeezing the banknotes in his grasp, Jungkook stared longingly at his sister, she had always been a source of core strength and encouragement to him on his bad and loneliest days. And he greatly appreciated and adored her for that, way more than he actually ever lets out.

"Thank you, Najung"

"Don't mention" Najung dismissively waves her hands in the air, before returning back to the couch to pick up her hand bag along with her coat. "I'll be heading back now, don't go messing around bro, I'm keeping my eyes on you"

"Hmm, you might wanna take them off me and keep them on your studies instead" Jungkook joked, wriggling his brows in the process.

Hysterically laughing out to her heart content, Najung saunted towards the front door, "Oh yea? then I guess I'm just going to continue pretending not to have taken notice of your numerous bodily arts by now. Ugh, you'd better watch it Jeon Jungkook, because just as much as you're a rebel, you're still very much the only son of the church's reverend" she winked at him, and just like that, she was out the door.

Jungkook couldn't help but shake his head, his suster was really something else.

The sudden beeping sound coming from his cellphone, reels him back to reality, causing him to chug down whatever was left of his drink.

"Fuck it, I'm late"

Jungkook, emerges from his bedroom congruously dressed up in his signature all black outfit, paired with his favorite pair of black chunky boots and a stringed bucket hat.

This was often Jungkook's go to look, irregardless of time, the place or even the occasion. He was a man who absolutely detested bright colors, they annoyed the shit out of him in ways he could never explain.

Reaching for a new pack of cancer sticks, he unsheathes a fresh stick and tucks it behind his ear, smirking at his sartorial self in the mirror, before heading out of his apartment and shutting the door behind him.

On his way down the short flight of stairs, he indeed takes note of the truck from the moving company, as well as some workers offloading and carrying up different kinds and sizes of boxes towards the very room next to his. It suddenly made him wonder, the rooms in the complex were pretty small and uncomfortable to live in the first place, so why in God's name was this new person moving in so many things exactly?

Well, non of it was his damned business really, as long as the new neighbor wasn't some nosy and noisy prick, then they had no reason to ever cross paths, like ever!

Plugging in his earphones, the song, Start over by Gaho, seeps out through the speakers at a maximum volume, as he began his long jog down the intersection towards the very busy streets.

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