Chapter 13

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Jungkook could barely hide his blinding grin as he stared at himself in the mens changing room mirror of the restaurant. His hair was slicked back with a side part that helped enhance his features, his white ironed sleeve was neatly tucked into a pair black slacks and his cleaned up pair of converse made the entire look come together pretty nicely. He looked good, really good to say the least.

As he stood there admiring the magnetic force of a man he indeed was, he couldn't quite help himself from thinking back to the interview he had with the manager of the restaurant and how well respected the so called manager had treated the man he was with. It baffled him really as to why the man held Kim Seokjin in such high esteem. From the short bow as soon as they entered his office, to the handshake and even to the seat offering as if he was some important dignitary made him wonder.

Because seriously all Seokjin had on were his unusual pair of bright colored sleeve and blue jeans. Nothing was out of the ordinary, he also didn't look formal in any way, so why on earth did the man treat him like some royalty?

Anyways, Jungkook shrugged his shoulders brushing off the mind boggling thought as he took one last look at himself, feeling ecstatic to have finally secured a means of income.

A knock on the door startles him, causing him to clear his throat as he stepped away from the mirror.

"Jeon Jungkook is it?" A female voice calls out to him from outside the door, "all new employees are needed in the managers office now" she says calmly.

"I'll be out in a minute"

"Okay, hurry up" She added, making her way towards the office.

The day went by in the blink of an eye, and before Jungkook could even realize himself he had legit made it passed his first day without much problems and chaos. He had his etiquette along with his manner of approach under check at all times, which wasn't an easy task for him considering how he wasn't the type to sugar coat anything he said as he would always rather call a spade a freaking spade. But the customers and some of his coworkers weren't all that bad, so it was going to be bearable for him on the long run.

Finding his way out of the building through the back door, Jungkook walked towards a secluded area where he could easily enjoy some peace and quiet. Quickly retrieving his pack of cigarettes from his back pocket, he swiftly pins one of the hollow cylinder in between his thin lips and struck a match to its tip.

As soon as the familiar taste of the smoldering tobacco melted on his tongue, Jungkook let out a sinister chuckle. He sure loved his tiny monsters to death.

Aligning his back against one of the concrete walls behind him, he immediately reached for his cell phone as began scrolling through the internet while dragging and puffing at his cigarette.

"On your first day?"

Jungkook tenses up instantly, the voice was way too familiar, so familiar to the extent it immediately made his skin crawl. How do you manage to finally evade the devil once in your life but he still somehow finds his way back to you?


"Yes my love, it's me" The tall lanky man replies, his steps getting awfully closer as he marched towards his target.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Jungkook questions in a rather loud voice, already detesting the presence before him.

"If this isn't fate, I have no idea what is" Bosung chimes excitedly, flashing Jungkook a mischievous smile. "I thought you quit smoking though?"

"I never did!" Jungkook replied with a scoff. Taking a step back, he throws the left over butt half of his cigarette to the ground and stomped on it with the heels of his converse.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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