Chapter 11

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"Are we seriously gonna sit out here forever?" Hoseok questions, his hand reaching beneath him to properly recline his seat backwards in order to create maximum room for his cramping legs. "It's already eight in the evening Irene, Seokjin is still yet to return home and the boy from earlier hasn't been out of his apartment either. So why on earth are we still here?"

The said lady exhales sharply, condescendingly staring down at the clueless man seated in the drivers seat of the vehicle.

"Please shut up, what do you know?" She hisses.

"At this rate I'd say everything to be very honest, I mean what more do you want to know? I already told you he's just a normal boy who so happens to be living next door to Seokjin, and that's just about it" Hoseok refuted in exhaustion.

Shifting in her seat, Irene scoots closer towards the window of the vehicle and cruised down the tinted glass by an inch in order to take one final look at the living room which had it's lights on and all of it's windows flown wide open. She hisses again, "bet he isn't just a boy like you claim" she says, gaze now zeroed in on the silhouette walking about in the apartment.

"My bad" Hoseok retorts, turning in his seat to look back at the lady over his shoulder. "What else does he look like then? A plant? An elf? A freaking raccoon?"

"Ughh, shut up!"

"I won't" Hoseok clapped back almost immediately. "I mean this is crazy Irene. We've been out here here all day doing absolutely nothing but gawking at the apartment Seokjin exited hours ago. We've also been declining all of the incoming calls from Sir Namjoon with no good reason at all, and we sure as hell have nothing reasonable to report to him when we do get back. So sorry if I cannot seem to shut up, because you may not be in trouble with him but I fucking am"

Giving up with a defeated sigh, Irene aligns her petite frame back against the leather cushion of the vehicle and cruised up the window with the aid of the small button latched unto the door handle. "Fine! We can go. But just know I'm not buying the whole he's just a boy bullshit, because I'm certain he knows something that we don't. If not then why in the world would he be waving at Seokjin as if he's known him forever? I'm the only one who's known Seokjin for a long time, and he's never smiled at me like that talk more of sending a damned wave my way" She argued, lowly whispering the last sentence underneath her breath.

With a depression head shake, Hosoek pulled his seat into place and kicked start the engine of the vehicle. "I'm telling you it's absolutely nothing, you're just being paranoid for no good reason"

"Shut up and drive" she scowls at him.

"Okay Rihanna I will, but just know that when we get back, it's your duty to report everything to Sir Namjoon. Don't pin any of this delay and non communication on me"

"Fuck!" Jungkook groans out in despair, ditching the pen in his hand on the table in front of him, thereby earning him a few unsolicited looks of disapproval from the rest of the customers present inside the small cafe.

"Sorry, I'm sorry" he muttered underneath his breath, sending a few forty five degree bow here and there at some customers.

Slumping into his seat, Jungkook dragged in a very long breath, one that caused his insides to churn with even more pain and uncertainty than they were already in. Pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes, he utters words of calm to himself before exhaling with a long sigh.

Allowing his eyes sway back to the different wide sheets of newspapers laid out on the table in front of him, he takes mental note of all the various interviews and job ads he'd previously circled with his red pen for any possible vacancies. But sadly, he'd either been turned down or told someone else already got the position even before he called.

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